In an interview with The WorldRebecca Loos, former nanny of the Beckham family in Madrid, continues to claim to have had an adulterous relationship with David, which the latter has always denied.
Twenty-two years later, it persists. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper The WorldRebecca Loos reaffirms having had an adulterous relationship with David Beckham during his time at Real Madrid (2003-2007), always denied by the player. The English press revealed the “scandal” shortly after the player signed in the Spanish capital from Real Madrid in 2003. Rebecca Loos was hired as an assistant by the family to look after the children but also advise them on life in Spain.
Beckham hidden in trunk for first date
She explains how complicated this period was for her. “It was brutal,” she says. “On one show, a man named Kiko Matamoros came and said he knew me, that I was a prostitute. I had never dealt with him. Another man claimed to have been with me on Ronaldo’s yacht in Brazil, where, according to him, I slept with all the footballers. I never went to Brazil. My parents recorded everything on VHS, they suffered.
“I became very famous in Spain, England and the Netherlands,” she continues, citing the repercussions of the “affair” in the countries where she lived. “The Spanish considered it normal for a married man to have lovers. In England, because he was the favorite, they hated me. In the Netherlands, they were delighted, I was their only link with David .”
Rebecca Loos explains that she was recommended to the Beckham family because of her ability to speak several languages, including Spanish. “My job was to take care of Victoria, to show her Madrid, to take her shopping,” she explains. “I had to make sure she liked the city, that she enjoyed it. It was difficult working for them because everyone needed me. The bodyguards needed help reading the menus of the restaurants, for example (…) I was the first person to see the Beckhams in the morning, to offer them a program, to look for a school for their children. It was very intense on the days when they were not traveling and were at. Madrid.”
On her alleged relationship with David Beckham, she says she experienced her first date in a restaurant belonging to the family of actor Javier Bardem, where she took the former Manchester United glory hidden in the trunk of her car. Although she thought about fleeing to Australia after the revelations in the English press, she ultimately decided to stay to defend herself. “The fighter in me came out and I defended myself on a television show in England,” she explains. “Then I went on another show, and then another. It snowballed. I ended up doing reality shows.” Rebecca Loos now lives in Norway with her husband, a doctor with whom she had two children. She works as a yoga teacher.