A few months after the investigation into the rape, of which he was accused, was closed, Frédéric Beigbeder revealed that he had experienced health problems at the end of 2024. In December 2024, the writer effect experienced a heart attack. Sunday January 12, 2025, Frédéric Beigbeder spoke to our colleagues at La Tribune du Dimanche, during a lunch around a red meat dish. A food he is supposed to do without from now on, on the advice of his doctors. But now, the author of 99 francs has decided to continue to make some deviations: “Pfff, I’m ashamed… I had a heart attack three weeks ago, intensive care, stent and all that; the cardiologists told me said to stop eating red meat, you see I don’t last long.”
A few days before the release of his new book entitled A Single Man, Frédéric Beigbeder almost breathed his last. An event with which he parallels astonishing advice given by one of his colleagues: “[Michel] Houellebecq gave me this advice: ‘Write each book as if you were going to die on the day of publication.’ There, it almost was true! A week after sending the last corrections on the last proofs, I was in intensive care,” explains the author.
Finally, Frédéric Beigbeder escaped. And he looks at his new daily life in a somewhat disillusioned way: “If I can eat this without dying straight away, it’s thanks to the medication I’m taking, (…)
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