Guest on the set of The Secret Box on France 3 Friday January 10, Jérémy Frérot had the pleasant surprise of receiving a video message from his sidekick Florian Delavega. The musician made him a proposition to which he did not respond on camera.
In 2014, Jérémy Frérot and Florian Delavega formed the duo Fréro Delavega and participated in the third season of The Voice. An adventure won that year by Kendji Girac, but which propelled them to the forefront. After two albums, tours and two trophies for best French group/duo of the year at the NRJ Music Awards, the two artists decided to go their separate ways in 2017 and go solo. Very discreet for Florian Delavega, more in the light for Jérémy Frérot. What if 2025 marked the return to the stage of Fréro Delavega?
Friday January 10, in The Secret Box on France 3, Jérémy Frérot was treated to his share of surprises. This is the very principle of the show. His friend Kendji came to sing Un homme, one of his titles, and Florian Delavega sent him a video message in which he talks about his desire to return to the stage with him.
-Fréro Delavega on stage in 2025?
“Know that, in my calendar, I took note. I am available: Olympia, Zenith de Paris… If you want, we’ll have a little revival. With great pleasure to return to the stage, to find you again, to find the audience that I miss. (…) I hope we meet on stage soon.”he told her. Moved, Jérémy Frérot did not respond to her proposal and quickly continued with the other surprises offered to him by Faustine Bollaert. The offer has, however, been launched and fans of the duo hope that 2025 will rhyme with a reunion, if only for a concert.
“I thought back to all these years. You can imagine, it’s been more than ten years since our first album was released. We were kids… beaches”also said Florian Delavega in his video. “It was a beautiful time. It was really great. I still have a lot of gratitude for everything we experienced. I thank you for all these years. It was a great joy.” Words that aroused strong emotion in Jérémy Frérot. “It moves me. We don’t often talk about what we did before. To hear it, with these words, it’s very touching.”