This Wednesday, January 8, Vianney published two photos on Instagram where we see him lying on his sofa, a cat comfortably seated on his lap. His right leg is immobilized in a cast, and a pair of crutches rest at his side. In the caption, the artist sums up his misadventure with a touch of humor: “Note to self: scootering in Paris is riskier than off-piste skiing. Without going into the details of his accident, the singer wanted to reassure his fans about his condition. True to himself, he approached the situation lightly, which did not fail to trigger a wave of kind messages in the comments. The day before, Vianney had already shared a photo from a hospital emergency department, giving a glimpse of the context of his injury and arousing the concern of his audience, now reassured by his good humor. He also wanted to play the humor card once again this Thursday, January 9 to give his news. After resharing his post in a story in which we can see him with his foot in a cast, he wrote: “I’m okay, am I allowed to put my feet on the chair?”.
In the following story (see the slideshow), Edgar’s dad wanted to say thank you to everyone who wrote to him and worried about him. “I really wanted to thank you for all your messages since yesterday! It gives me incredible energy for the next 6 weeks”, he said, revealing the duration of his convalescence and the immobilization of his foot with a cast. Grateful to have only one fracture and nothing worse, he preferred to put things into perspective as follows: “To tell you the truth, I feel extremely lucky to have escaped with so little damage and not to have had one of my children as a passenger when everything happened.” Faced with this situation, the singer decided to make a major decision: “I admit to seeing it as a sign and I say goodbye to my scooter, after 15 years on the Paris front“. Teasingly, he concluded: “I will now travel in a T-90M assault tank, which is much safer”. A joke that will surely make his subscribers laugh. In his initial publication, he made a point of specifying: “We still see each other with the Restos du Cœur next week!”.
A (handsome) daddy hen
During his convalescence, Vianney will be able to enjoy his family, in particular his son and his daughter-in-law with whom he is close. Regarding the latter, he had also confided to the microphone of RFM: “I love her (her daughter-in-law) deeply. (…) We can only love a child, there are no other solutions.” And concerning little Edgar, he added: “I am present, I think I must make lots of mistakes like all dads but you see at least, he sees me every morning, every evening, every weekend. I am really present, I have a job where I can be in control of my schedule so afterward it’s up to me to make the choice to be there or not.”