Sunday January 5, 2025, in an Instagram story, Alice Detollenaere announced her return to Paris to undergo an operation. Accompanied by her companion Camille Lacourt, she said more about the reason for this intervention before giving her news just after having undergone it.
For more than five years, Alice Detollenaere has been in perfect love with Camille Lacourt, whom she met for the first time in 2019 at the car show where she worked as a model. From their love a little boy named Marius was born on June 1, 2021. A year before this happy event, the lovers went through a painful ordeal. Indeed, on January 9, 2020, Alice Detollenaere announced that she had breast cancer. In the process, she had to undergo a mastectomy before making the decision, two years later, to have the other breast removed, as a precaution. “I’m happy and relieved to have done it“, she said on her social networks.
Alice Detollenaere returned to Paris with Camille Lacourt to have an operation, she told her subscribers more on Instagram
Sunday January 5, 2025, Alice Detollenaere took the plane with her companion Camille Lacourt for a very specific reason. “Direction Paris with my other half to go back to the operating room. Everything is fine, no worries!” she first announced. And to specify in the following story: “Since my last operation, I have discomfort due to the implant with which the breast was reconstructed. I’ve been reluctant to go back for 4 years. Firstly because I don’t want to and then because it always involves risks. In my case they are ‘only’ aesthetic. If, for example, the operation goes wrong, I could find myself without a breast“.
“We cut everything in half… Hoping to wake up with the potato“
Eventually, “after weighing the pros and cons“, Alice Detollenaere decided to take the plunge. “JHe prefers to try and be optimistic. Aesthetics yes, but not at the cost of well-being. Operation result tomorrow morning, left and right breast! We cut everything in half. Hoping to wake up with the potato“, she confided. This Monday, January 6, after her operation, Camille Lacourt’s companion gave her news in the caption of a photo taken on her hospital bed. “Everything is ok“, she said. Enough to reassure her fans!