This Monday, January 6, Jordan De Luxe hosted Pascal Bataille in his show “Chez Jordan” on C8. The host had the opportunity to talk about his lung cancer and the major operation that awaits him.
On December 6, Pascal Bataille announced serious news. For several months, the host has been suffering from lung cancer. It was through an Instagram video, where he appears physically changed, that he spoke on the subject for the first time, nevertheless wanting to be confident for the future. “I am sure that I will win this fight, first of all because I am surrounded by fantastic doctors. Then because I benefit from new care protocols which have made considerable progress in recent years“, he declared.
Laurent Fontaine’s accomplice in Only the truth counts is now finished with chemotherapy but, to put all the chances on his side and hope to get through it a little better, he agreed to undergo a major operation lasting several hourswhich will take place very soon. “The operation involves removing a piece of lungin this case the right lung“, he shared in At Jordan, on C8, this Monday January 6. And to specify: “The surgeon will see by opening exactly, but a priori, they will remove two lobes of my right lung. I will therefore have a small part of my lung left which will continue to function..”
A heavy operation which is not without hazards
A surgical procedure that is frightening but which Pascal Bataille nevertheless views with a certain serenity. “It is a heavy operation, obviously, which is not without risks, obviously too, like any operation. And there, even more so when your chest is cut open. It’s not trivial, but I go into it with a lot of confidence, because I know that I am being operated on by extremely competent and gifted people and that it is an operation that is still common.” he said.
-Pascal Bataille will then be placed in convalescence for approximately a month. A period that he fears more than the operation itself. “I have confidence in the surgeons, in these very advanced techniques. This will make it possible to remove this area which could be the source of a new cancer. What honestly makes me a little stressed is the pain because they told me that, depending on the case, convalescence could be quite painful. So I don’t go there willingly but telling myself that we have to go and we will be rid of“.
The C8 host hopes “be on your feet at the beginning of February“. “This is what I set as a schedule in mind“, he explained, and that’s all we wish him!
Original article on Purepeople