In tears, Bertrand Latour says goodbye to L’équipe du soir (VIDEO)

In tears, Bertrand Latour says goodbye to L’équipe du soir (VIDEO)

This Friday, September 13, Bertrand Latour said goodbye to the L’Équipe channel in the show The evening team. A moment filled with emotion for the columnist who could not hold back his tears.

Bertrand Latour was one of the favorite columnists of viewers of The shock teama show broadcast every late afternoon on the L’Équipe channel. Every day, he and Pierre Bouby were the team leaders and they competed in different games refereed by France Pierron. Last season, they even decided to spice things up a bit by giving a forfeit to the loser of the year. A forfeit that Bertrand Latour had to take up, since on the scoreboard, he had fewer points than his comrade. Result: he dyed his hair pink! Moreover, when he interviewed Didier Deschamps after a French team match, the coach made fun of him a bit.

Bertrand Latour leaves for Canal+

After several seasons on the L’Équipe channel, Bertrand Latour decided to move on to new horizons. The columnist was poached by Canal+ to join the very famous Canal Football Club. He therefore made his last appearances on the L’Équipe channel this week and the least we can say is that it was not easy for him. A few days ago, in the show The Evening Teamhe had expressed himself in tears to pay tribute to Didier Roustan. This Friday, September 13, he returned to Olivier Ménard’s show to officially say goodbye to the channel. Here again, he was overwhelmed by emotion.

Bertrand Latour grew up thanks to his experience on the channel The Team

With tears in his eyes, Bertrand Latour then declared: “These are eight years of my life that have been very, very important. I arrived when I was very young. These are moments when you grow as a man. I am very moved to finish with you, Olivier, because you helped me a lot during these eight years.” The columnist then wanted to thank everyone on the channel: “Thank you to all the columnists with whom I spent all these moments. I hope that, even if I am annoying, you will remember ‘I love you’.”

Article written in collaboration with 6médias.


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