“Mom underwent the revisions”: Benoît (“Don’t forget the lyrics”) explains how he prepared to become one of the game’s greatest maestros

“Mom underwent the revisions”: Benoît (“Don’t forget the lyrics”) explains how he prepared to become one of the game’s greatest maestros
“Mom underwent the revisions”: Benoît (“Don’t forget the lyrics”) explains how he prepared to become one of the game’s greatest maestros

He’s starting to make a name for himself. Since December 2, the day he entered the competition, Benoît has impressed in “N’ Forget the Lyrics”. This 31-year-old photographer has a string of successes on 2. This Thursday, January 2, 2025, in a brand new setting, he has yet to give his two opponents of the day any chance. The one who comes from Maine-et- first beat Anne-Sophie during the first number, then Marion. The latter only obtained 66 points while the champion flew away with 189 points thanks to “Göttingen” by Barbara.

Benoît becomes the seventh greatest maestro in the game

Thanks to these two new successes, the Angevin obtained his 52nd victory in the giant karaoke of Nagui. Its prize pool now stands at 390,000 euros and the program’s audiences are soaring. “He is the seventh greatest of all maestros“, informed the host at the end of the show. Indeed, he has just overtaken Jennifer who had 388,000 euros for 64 victories. On this good dynamic, Benoît could very quickly rank in the Top 5. He is no longer missing only 2,000 euros to accomplish this feat.

In order to understand these incredible performances, Nagui asked him how he organized himself to review all these songs. The young man replied that his preparation had lasted “practically“two years.”In a bucolic setting“, added the star of “Taratata”, “since you have the chance to live among animals, trees and vegetable gardens“, he revealed. Then Benoît said more about his long preparation: “Mom underwent the revisions by having a room next to mine, because I lived with her at the beginning and sang all night.Puremédias invites you to watch the sequence at the top of the article.

Jadine helped her son revise

Jadine, who was present in the audience to support her son, was in turn questioned. “In fact, he’s been singing since he was little, he loves it, it’s true. I did a bit of Cruella in the kitchen though. He wrote all the songs, he numbered them and then I put them at random, I said: ‘Come on, let’s start this one‘”, she said. And Nagui concluded: “Thanks Mom, I love the idea. The next setting, we will do it in a kitchen.“How far will Benoît go? Will he manage to overtake new maestros? To find out, tune in this Friday evening on France 2, from 6:40 p.m.



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