Marie Drucker: with Gad Elmaleh, a love story as passionate… as it is fleeting: “I thought it would be better to cut it short…”

Marie Drucker: with Gad Elmaleh, a love story as passionate… as it is fleeting: “I thought it would be better to cut it short…”
Marie Drucker: with Gad Elmaleh, a love story as passionate… as it is fleeting: “I thought it would be better to cut it short…”

“I don’t want to be 25, I had them to the fullest, it was great, but today it’s great too.” This is how Marie Drucker confided last August on the podcast microphone Current Women of Tele-Leisure. Today, in fact, is not just any day since our colleague is celebrating her 25th birthday twice this December 3!

A milestone, that of fifty, which she approaches with great serenity: “I am a woman fully of my age. […] I'm the age I am, I feel very good”slipped into this interview the journalist who now works much more behind the scenes than in front of the camera. For many years she has led the company No School Productions who notably produced Grand Formata magazine distributed by France 2 in January 2024. The opportunity to see Michel Drucker's niece again. And the occasions are rare sinceshe left her position as news joker in 2016 from 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., which she had held for almost 8 years.

This professional discretion, this distance from screens seems to go hand in hand with a personal and sentimental situation that is also much less exposed. To the point that it is impossible today to say who has shared her life since the end of her story with Matthias Vicherat. From 2013 to 2021, the pretty brunette was in a relationship with this senior official, former director of Sciences Po. In April 2015, they had a child, Jean, together. But in recent days, the man has made headlines in legal chronicles after being convicted of domestic violence against his last partnerAnissa Bonnefont. A complex case since she was also found guilty of the same facts, which occurred before their noisy breakup in 2023. They have both just been sentenced to five months in prison for him, and eight months for her. Matthias Vicherat appealed against this conviction which he finds unfair and disproportionate.

It goes without saying that Marie Drucker stayed far from these escapades and has refrained from commenting on them… It's because the extremely publicized love stories, she has already given…

Marie Drucker makes it official with Gad in front of the photographers

On March 8, 2010, photographers flocked to the Gaumont-Champs-Elysées-Marignan cinema located on the most beautiful avenue in the world, in , where the film premiere took place. The Roundup. Suddenly, a couple appears and the flashes crackle. This isn't just any couple. For several months, the rumor has been circulating in the editorial offices, but we have never seen them together. This evening, it's official: Gad Elmaleh and Marie Drucker are indeed a couple, holding each other by the waist and exchanging loving kisses on the red carpet…

According to the magazine Ellethe unforgettable interpreter of Petwho plays the supporting role in The Roundupand the journalist, would have started their romance three months earlier, in December 2009.

Both already have a rich sentimental life behind them. Between 2000 and 2002, the comedian lived with actress Anne Brochet who gave him a child, Noé, born November 1, 2000. Gad then, after an assiduous courtship, won the heart of the star dancer Aurélie Dupont with whom he remained from 2004 to 2008. Marie Drucker, for her part, had between 2006 and 2008 a relationship with politician François Baroin. Before him, she was with a famous novelist, and after him, we saw her on the arm of a very well-known investment banker on the Parisian market.

Gad Elmaleh considers that his meeting with Marie Drucker was not by chance


In 2010, both were at the peak of their popularity. Marie Drucker, 35, regularly presents television news as for Gad, at 38 years old, he has a series of films and three shows Normal life, The other is me et Dad is upstairs ont makes boxes both in theaters and in DVD sales. An unexpected and glamorous couple.

A few days after this preview, Gad Elmaleh explains himself in the pages of Magazine about this officialization and the many photos it gave rise to: When you live a real and beautiful story, you no longer want to calculate. Why, when I go to the premiere of a film important to me [La Rafle, NDLR]couldn't I have the woman who shares my life by my side? And I find these photos very beautiful…”

A month later, in April 2010, the same Gad was questioned by readers of Parisian. A reader asks him: “We would like to know how you met Marie Drucker?” “Uh…wow!”he stammers before responding. “We didn't meet. Meeting people is when it's a coincidence. But here it was obvious. It's not a coincidence.” And when shortly after, another reader asks if he is in love: he blurts out: “Um… yes! Marie made me get sentimental.”

Marie Drucker preferred “shorten“their story

It was undoubtedly this obvious fact which, just a few days after they had gotten together, had made them both fly to Mauritius where they went to spend the first days of this year 2010.

Alas, the relationship will likely have been as passionate… as it was fleeting.

At the end of September 2010, Marie Drucker appeared on the cover of the magazine Gala. She is alone. “For me, the best is always to come”we can read on the front page. The sentence is taken from the interview she gave to our colleagues. An interview during which she already formalizes the breakup with Gad Elmaleh. After clarifying that her private life does not belong to the public domain, she agrees to admit by way of explanation: “I simply thought it better to shorten a story that had become less beautiful than it had been.”

Words which, despite their brevity, suggest that it is his choice. That of turning one page to open another. She concludes by quoting a sentence from the film These lovesde Claude Lelouch : “The most beautiful years of life are those that we have not yet experienced!”



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