The whole planet celebrates the beauty of Murat Yakin

Murat Yaking is not going unnoticed at Euro 2024. It’s normal; he’s too hot. image: shutterstock x montage watson

Murat Yakin has suddenly become the “sooooo hot” personality of the moment. Firstly, because the Nati coach is having a good tournament. Secondly, because nature has done a good job. We are giving our fans a voice.

Simone Meier

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A young blonde woman sheds strangely artificial tears on Tik Tok. She taps her temple. Is this where the switch for her crocodile tears is hidden? In the caption, a sentence that helps us understand her emotion.

«Omw to work knowing I’ll be missing Murat Yakin coaching»

red: On my way to work knowing I’ll miss Murat Yakin in action.”)

A dirty twist of fate. She’s not the only one who appears in our feed when we search for “Murat Yakin Hot.”

Gray hair, with or without glasses: pure beauty. Image: Shutterstock

Please note, we are ONLY going to focus on appearance here. Clothes, glasses, hair, cheekbones, cigars… everything is covered. Because victory offers a lot of visibility. And so far, Switzerland has had a lot of intoxicating success at the Euro. So obviously it is not just the play on the pitch that attracts attention. The man behind the coach is also wreaking havoc.

“Absolute dream man”

Turkish manga blogger Elif says on X: “Murat Yakin is sooooo sexy that Switzerland deserves to win just for that.”

Men are also falling for her charms. “Switzerland really challenges my long-standing anti-Swiss animosity by a) being excellent and b) having Murat Yakin, an absolute dream man,” tweets British rocker Simon Indelicate of the band The Indelicates.

Even the New York Times écrit:

“In a tournament where there have been some standout looks on the touchline, Yakin’s style is unadorned and casual: the kind of clothes that don’t immediately catch your eye, but you can tell they cost more than a car. He often wears large glasses that, along with the gray streaks in his slicked-back hair, make him look a bit like Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci in the 2021 film about the Italian clothing brand.”

For the NZZthere are rather similarities with Elvis Presley and John Travolta. She also seems completely bewitched:

“If Muri hits a lamppost with his car, he shrugs and blinks, smiling under his 1970s sunglasses at the camera. That’s what he does in an insurance advert. Everything is cool, everything is easy, you just have to look as good as Muri, a mix of Hausi Leutenegger, Elvis Presley and John Travolta in their best years. We had our national Köbi. Now we have our Sexy Muri. What a joy, because it’s really about love.”

A national Sexy Muri! Has one ever been able to read such enthusiasm in the NZZ?

The David Schwimmer à Mads Mikkelsen

Others see neither Driver, nor Hausi, nor Elvis, nor Travolta, but actors David Schwimmer and Jeff Goldblum.

For Brendan Boyle: “Murat Yakin, from OJ Simpson’s defender in the HBO series to coach of Switzerland. Time flies.”

“Coach Jeff Goldblum’s joy when Switzerland takes the lead,” Craig compares.

Yet the most disturbing comparison is not at the nose, but at the cheekbones. That’s where nature has done its job best. “Separated at birth?”, countless posts on X and TikTok around the world ask. They’re talking about our sexy national Muri – and Mads Mikkelsen. And yes, it’s as obvious as the nose on your face, why didn’t we see it before?

“Fuck, it’s like the movies! Murat Yakin or Mads Mikkelsen?” wonders Mbappéraptor.

“Murat Yakin, a great actor,” they still think in Italy.

Finally, “Murat Yakin celebrates victory in the round of 16 against Italy” from Turkey. Illustrated by a scene from Mikkelsen’s film Drunkennessawarded an Oscar.

One of the trainer’s great pairs of glasses is by the way from the Götti brand from Wädenswil (ZH). They cost 500 francs and Yakin paid for them out of his own pocket. This was revealed by the brand itself to the Daily Advertiser.

Wasn’t there something about the “metallic blue” cashmere sweater many years ago?South German Times) by Jogi Löw for 199 euros? This resulted in an “international waiting list one metre long” (N-TV). Never have a sweater and glasses had as much charisma as with these two charismatic players from the sidelines.

Another Internet user hesitates:

And that hair! “Not sure if it’s Murat Yakin’s hair or his team that I envy the most”

“Murat Yakin’s hair is absolutely stunning – his hairdresser deserves the title ‘Man of the Match’,” it continues.

So there is no one to unearth a single ounce of decadence in Murat Yakin? A Frenchman, of course! Who admires his way of smoking:

“Murat Yakin smokes his cigar like he smokes his opponents at the Euro”

A real cult of Yakin is developing.

The smoking image attached to the caption is from 2021.

(Translated from German by: Valentine Zenker)

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