My Little Reindeer: New Scandal, the Real Martha Targeted by Another Accusation of Harassment (But Not by the Actor This Time)

My Little Reindeer: New Scandal, the Real Martha Targeted by Another Accusation of Harassment (But Not by the Actor This Time)
My Little Reindeer: New Scandal, the Real Martha Targeted by Another Accusation of Harassment (But Not by the Actor This Time)

New twist in the case My little reindeer. Airing on April 11, 2024 on Netflix, the series tells the true story of comedian and actor Richard Gadd, who was harassed by a woman he met in a bar. The 35-year-old director and actor plays Donny in the fiction, while the woman who harassed him for no less than six years is nicknamed Martha.

Shortly after the broadcast, Netflix, like the showrunner, clarified that they had done their best to conceal the true identities of the characters mentioned in My little reindeerUnfortunately for those affected, it only took a few days for Internet users to find them, starting with Fiona Muir-Harvey, the woman who inspired Martha.

Real Martha denies accusations against her

Also, shortly after the broadcast of the fiction, Fiona Muir-Harvey says she suffered a huge wave of harassment and received threats on social networks. She also accuses the streaming platform, just like Richard Gadd, of having told “lies, because it was a better story than the truth, and the best stories make money.

As a result, while the real Martha denies all the facts that she is accused of, she has decided to sue Netflix for defamation: she is claiming damages from the streaming giant worth 170 million dollars (around 156 million euros). Enough to worry the company with the red N? Not necessarily. While a spokesperson recently stated “want to defend this case vigorously and to defend Richard Gadd’s right to tell his story“, a new element could weigh down Fiona Muir-Harvey’s case.

Read also : My little reindeer – British government forced to intervene, new law soon to be implemented because of Netflix series?

Fiona Muir-Harvey faces new harassment charge

After coming across an interview with the lawyer on television, a certain George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, confided to Piers Morgan that he immediately recognized the woman who allegedly harassed him in the 1980s.She was everywhere I turned my head. She was just in my life when I didn’t want her to be.“, the 69-year-old politician said on the show Piers Morgan Uncensored.

The latter adds that he met her after his election as MP for Glasgow Hillhead for the Labour Party. Although he does not explain how he would have “got rid of“of her, George Galloway reveals having been frightened by her obsessive character.”At first I thought she was attracted to me, but actually it was my work that she was passionate about. She was a constant stalker, always very close [de ses affaires]the politician whispered. I am ready to testify to this..

He then added, still marked by this episode of his life: “There was no email or texting back then. You either had to call someone on their personal line or show up at their door. That was real harassment. And that’s what she did to me.“.



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