Nathalie Andréani pregnant with Gabano, she reveals her baby bump

By Aurélie H

– Published on July 1, 2024 at 6:46 p.m.

Nathalie Andréani has just revealed her baby bump on Instagram. Enough to make Internet users react en masse.

Photo credit: Youtube Sam Zirah

A few days ago, Nadège Lacroix announced that she was pregnant with Emanuel, to whom she has just given another chance. An announcement that surprised everyone on social networks and Internet users are far from being at the end of their surprises. This Monday, July 1, Nathalie Andréani also announced that she was pregnant! It was during an interview with Sam Zirah that Vivian’s ex arrived with her already rounded belly in the company of Gabano. Enough to shock the journalist who said: “Ah no, but I don’t have the words. It’s not possible.”

Nathalie Andréani reveals her baby bump

Nathalie Andréani then explained herself by saying: “You’re the first. No one knows. You know I didn’t want to say it, I wanted to keep it a secret.” Finally, Sam Zirah admitted that he had noticed a small change the last time they saw each other: “The last time we did an interview together, you had a bit of pants that… but I didn’t let myself because you can’t say that.” Nathalie then replied to him: “It betrayed me a little, I admit. But it was really very recent. We were at the stage where we wanted to keep it to ourselves. I’ve already been grilled by certain people.”

Nathalie Andréani’s pregnancy pleases Gabano

Gabano, present for this announcement, then declared: “I think she’s beautiful when she’s pregnant. She’s hungry all the time, she’s more boring than usual.” After this interview was posted online, Nathalie Andréani published photos on her Instagram account where she revealed her baby bump. In a black dress, the one that was revealed in Secret Story put an orange scarf around her belly. The least we can say is that in these photos which are available just below, the couple is swimming in happiness!

Internet users react

This announcement quickly caused Internet users to react. Among the comments that were published, we could read: “I don’t have the words”, “They don’t know what to do anymore”, “Crazy I suspected it when she said I have an exclusion for you Sam but I said to myself 53 years is not not possible, but yes”, “Be happy for them instead of criticizing them if you are not happy, move on” or “The 3/4 who criticize are women and who either don’t have a guy, or don’t have a guy who loves them like Nathalie and Gabano… Drink water bad guys! And be happy for others.”

It was just a joke!

According to information from our colleagues at Public, this announcement would actually be a prank! Nathalie Andréani would absolutely not be pregnant by Gabano who recently mentioned Vanessa Lawrens. Which was confirmed by several Internet users who clearly did not find it funny: “I just saw the video, it’s a prank”, “It’s true that it’s funny to pretend you’re pregnant”, “It’s a prank, they say it in the video” or “It’s a prank, we can clearly see on Jeremstar’s stories that she’s not pregnant.”



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