The directors currently in police custody

The MeToo wave is neither an affair nor a temporary peak of emotion. It’s a groundswell. Also, after the complaints filed in recent weeks, the judicial machine is being put in place. It all started last winter. When Judith Godrèche accused Benoît Jacquot of having abused her. And for good reason: the filmmaker, thirty years old at the time, had a “relationship” with the actress, a teenager at the time of the events. An idyll that did not shock many people at that time. And yet which had nothing legal about it. Which the videographer knew, by the way.

More Judith Godrèche also brought charges against Jacques Doillon. For sexual assaults that took place on the set of The 15 year old girl, at the end of the 1980s. As in the case of Benoît Jacquot, the facts now go back more than thirty years. However, the Paris prosecutor’s office requested that the two filmmakers be warned on July 1, 2024. A measure that revolts defense lawyers… We take stock!

Jacques Doillon and Benoît Jacquot: the investigation is launched

The revelations of Judith Godrèche have sparked a real tidal wave in the small world of cinema. Especially since the actress does not limit herself to her own experience. She invites all those who have suffered the same thing to express themselves. She even presented a short film on the subject (Me too) in Cannes. In which hundreds of alleged victims have filmed. However, concerning Benoît Jacquot as Jacques Doillon, The facts reported will indeed give rise to an investigation. Led by the Paris juvenile brigade. Placed in police custody, they will have to answer questions from investigators.

A situation decried by Jacques Doillon’s lawyer who sees it as an excessive measure and an attack on the presumption of innocence.

“None of the legal criteria can justify this measure. (…) He should have been heard in the context of a free hearing in view of the age of the facts, their prescription acquired for more than two decades, and the inevitable filing without further action which will close this investigation.”

Same story with Master Julia Minkowski, who defends Benoît Jacquot.

“A free hearing should have been decided.”

Despite everything, the investigators seem determined to shed light on the facts denounced. A source close to the matter even mentioned the organization ofa confrontation with the alleged victims. Which includes Judith Godrèche. But the actress is not alone. Julia Roy also accuses Benoît Jacquot of sexual assault. For his part, Isild Le Besco filed a complaint for rape of a minor over 15 years old. Facts which would not have taken place in the last century. But between 1998 and 2007.



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