Marine Tondelier sobs in her voice: she breaks down live after a sentence from Bruno Le Maire

Marine Tondelier sobs in her voice: she breaks down live after a sentence from Bruno Le Maire
Marine Tondelier sobs in her voice: she breaks down live after a sentence from Bruno Le Maire

The legislative elections are causing a lot of ink to flow. On June 9, Emmanuel Macron surprised the French by announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly. Legislative elections which shook up the weeks before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris. Since then, political news has been at the center of attention and declarations have been coming one after the other. That of Bruno Le Maire did not go unnoticed by Marine Tondelier, who appeared very moved on the air of France Inter this Monday, July 1st.

Marine Tondelier confided that she was “appalled and extremely angry” in the face of the voting instructions given by Bruno Le Maire for the second round of the legislative elections. “Does the National Rally have the possibility of having an absolute majority in the National Assembly? The answer is yes”,

she began before continuing: “Does La France Insoumise have the capacity to be the absolute majority in the National Assembly? The answer is no.” Marine Tondelier was very upset and she made it known:
Do they have the capacity to have a Prime Minister? The answer is no. So he’s got the problem wrong.” she said.

Marine Tondelier: words that don’t get through

Marine Tondelier appeared very moved. The latter was blunt on the subject, declaring: I am very moved, because I have lived for 10 years in a city run by the National Rally.” As a reminder, the national secretary of Europe Ecologie les Verts lives in Hénin-Beaumont, where Marine Le Pen was re-elected in the first round. “And what Bruno Le Maire has just done is cowardly and privileged behavior. It’s out of touch, it’s lunar and it doesn’t live up to the story,” she continued, holding back tears.

Marine Tondelier affirms: Bruno Le Maire should never have made this kind of remark.Fortunately, left-wing and green voters are less sectarian and less cowardly than that, because that’s why they won in 2017 and in 2022. ”, she continued. At the end of the first round of the legislative elections, the far right is credited with 34% of the votes, ahead of the New Popular Front (29%) and Emmanuel Macron’s camp (21.5%), according to estimates at 8 p.m. from the Ifop institute for TF1 and LCI.

Bruno Le Maire: a highly noted speech

A few minutes before the environmentalist’s passage, it was Bruno Le Maire who spoke. “I call on all our voters, when our candidates are not in the second round, to vote for a candidate from the social-democratic camp, that is to say a representative of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party or the Greens,” declared the Minister of the Economy. The latter then stated that he wanted “Fight the National Rally” but don’t “want to vote for La France Insoumise” due, according to him, to “positions against the French nation” adopted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party. A speech that made Marine Tondelier react.

The results of this first round were commented by
Bruno Le Maire who affirms
: “It’s a defeat, a defeat for our majority, a defeat for our camp”
Still according to his words, the risk today is “see the National Rally arrive with an absolute majority next Sunday”. He concludes his speech by affirming that the French must fight today.
“The fight of the coming days is to fight so that the RN does not have an absolute majority next Sunday” he concluded.



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