Linda Hardy in a relationship with a famous presenter, a relationship kept secret until now!

Linda Hardy in a relationship with a famous presenter, a relationship kept secret until now!
Linda Hardy in a relationship with a famous presenter, a relationship kept secret until now!

The holidays have more or less begun for Jordan De Luxe. For the summer period, the C8 host is launching a new version of his show At Jordan’s. Exit the usual studio and make way for a much more idyllic setting. Indeed, the figure of the Canal+ group channel now receives its guests around a beautiful swimming pool and in a large garden where it is good to sip a small cocktail. For the occasion, Jordan De Luxe even swapped his traditional black suit with bow tie for another one in a brighter color, appropriate with the weather.

This Monday, July 1, for the first issue of The Jordan Deluxe Poolit was Linda Hardy who came to confide. And between her life as a mother, her past as Miss France and her worst vacations, Linda Hardy spoke about her love life. The pretty 50-year-old brunette revealed in particular that she had gone out with several TV personalities, and more particularly with presenters. But the former beauty queen only agreed to open up about one of them.There is one with whom it lasted well and who is unfortunately no longer in this world. Jean-Luc Delarue” she said, under the astonished eyes of Jordan De Luxe. “I was young and he was young too. It lasted a little over six months“, she continued, then believing that their schedules at the time did not allow them to stay together any longer. “I think he was someone very busy with his life and it was at the time when I was a model, I was young, I had already been Miss France, I must have been 24-25 years old. ..”

Linda Hardy very attached to Jean-Luc Delarue

Linda Hardy then explained that if this relationship was never known to the general public it is thanks to her great discretion and that of the late host. Without leaving on bad terms, they did not keep in touch after their breakup. “We no longer saw each other, he had his own life. There was never any question of having a child with him, especially at the age I was, I didn’t want to at all but he was someone I really loved and who was extremely brilliant.“, she admitted to him.



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