Jarry Makes a Touching Declaration of Love to His Twins for Their 8th Birthday, Tinted with Worry

Jarry Makes a Touching Declaration of Love to His Twins for Their 8th Birthday, Tinted with Worry
Jarry Makes a Touching Declaration of Love to His Twins for Their 8th Birthday, Tinted with Worry

Jarry never hid how much fatherhood had upset him. Having become the father of twins thanks to surrogacy in 2016, the comedian savors every moment spent with his children, having experienced a difficult childhood. To mark their 8th anniversary, he posted a photo of the backs of his two “loves” on Instagram, accompanied by a message full of tenderness: “Today, June 30th, is your 8th birthday, 8 years that we have had the chance to hear from dad, 8 years that I am proud to see you grow, discover the world and love life.”

But this special day unfortunately coincides with the first round of the legislative elections. A coincidence of the calendar which arouses serious concerns in Jarry about the future: “It just so happens that this is also the first round of elections, so I’m afraid, afraid that the world we’re going to leave you will be difficult and unfair. You are so pure that I will protect you until death.”

The father hen concludes his message with a promise of eternal love: “Happy birthday, I love you more than the stars.”

A family under fire from critics

If Jarry chooses to preserve the anonymity of his children by never showing their faces, it is also to protect them from the attacks that his family is sometimes subjected to. Last year, in the show “It starts today”, He revealed that he had received death threats because of his homosexuality and his status as a father.

In the face of hatred, the comedian remains dignified and continues to defend same-sex families. Last April, he did not hesitate to put Marion Maréchal back in his place following her controversial remarks on the birth of the twins of the creator Simon Porte Jacquemus: “Dear Marion Maréchal: where is the mother? Did you ask your grandmother this question? A family is not two opposite sexes, it is two adults who love each other and form a family!”

Fatherhood above all

It was also to devote more time to his children that Jarry decided to leave the animation of “Tout le monde veut prendre sa place” after only one season. He explained in April: “Next year, I’m going to be on tour in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada and I need a lot of energy. Daily, it takes a lot of time. I have seen very little of my children this year.”

A decision that will allow her to fully enjoy her twins and see them grow up.



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