the singer intentionally shot himself, the procedure dismissed – Libération

the singer intentionally shot himself, the procedure dismissed – Libération
the singer intentionally shot himself, the procedure dismissed – Libération

The singer was shot while trying to “fake a suicide” in April. He will not be prosecuted, according to the conclusions of the investigation given this Monday, June 24. He was asked to pay two citizen contributions and receive health care for six months.

The public prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan (Landes), Olivier Janson, published this Monday, June 24, a press release concerning the responses given by the justice system following the gunshot wounds that Kendji Girac inflicted on himself on April 22 . The singer will ultimately not be prosecuted. Indeed, as the prosecutor writes in this document, this decision was taken because “Mr. Girac has no criminal record and that he was also able to appreciate the seriousness of these offenses which contributed to the injuries he inflicted on himself.

He therefore had to pay two citizen contributions (i.e. the payment of a sum for the benefit of a victim assistance association approved by the Ministry of Justice), which the musician already did on June 11 . He must also receive health care for six months. “Mr. Girac indicated that it would submit to all of these obligations. further specifies the prosecutor.

Two misdemeanor offenses

The investigations carried out as part of the investigation into the actions of Kendji Girac highlighted “two tortious offences”, reports the prosecution. The first, the acquisition and possession of a category B weapon, the one with which he fired. The second, the illicit use of narcotics. Indeed, Kendji Girac admitted having “consumed cocaine on the evening of the incident”. These offenses are respectively punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years, and a prison sentence of one year.

The procedure relating to the possession of the weapon has already been dismissed, after the musician paid the two planned citizen contributions. The procedure concerning the use of narcotics, for its part, will be dismissed within six months, “subject to compliance with health monitoring”.

“Psychological violence”

During the night from Sunday to Monday, April 22, Kendji Girac was shot and injured in a Traveler reception area in Biscarrosse, in the Landes, after shooting himself. The singer was hospitalized near Bordeaux after a serious gunshot wound to the chest in Biscarosse (Landes). A few days later, during a press conference, the Mont-de-Marsan prosecutor explained that the artist had wanted “faking suicide” to scare his partner who threatened to leave him after an argument. Facts which, “assuming that they are established, would be likely to correspond to a form of blackmail likely to characterize psychological violence against his partner”, explains Olivier Janson this Monday in his press release.

Kendji Girac’s act had been strongly denounced by associations fighting against violence against women, warning of the risks of “psychological violence”. The singer ultimately backed out during an audition, as the press release reports: “He returned to these first statements, indicating that in view of his alcoholism and his cocaine intake, he was not aware of what he was doing with this weapon and that he therefore did not want to do pressure on his partner.”

His partner, also heard on May 15, for his part “indicated that she did not consider herself a victim of psychological violence”. The prosecution therefore considered that “the offense of psychological violence appears insufficiently characterized”. The procedure was dismissed.



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