“Chosen for…”: this unexpected role of Arielle Dombasle at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

“Chosen for…”: this unexpected role of Arielle Dombasle at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
“Chosen for…”: this unexpected role of Arielle Dombasle at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are fast approaching.
If the French but also sports enthusiasts from around the world were able to discover the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille, the latter continues its journey in France.
And many flame bearers wanted to participate in this major event.

Besides, there is a celebrity who will have a very special role. Indeed, Arielle Dombasle announced on the Télématin set that she had been “chosen for the arrival of the flame in Paris”. And on this occasion, the singer created her own anthem herself. “It’s something I wrote about Beethoven’s 7th symphony”.

Arielle Dombasle: her key role in the Olympics

On the set of France 2, Arielle Dombasle also returned to the criticisms addressed to Brigitte Bardot.
I find that we are very cruel to this actress, we criticize her a lot. People criticize the fact that she is getting older. We don’t pay her enough tribute, she was our first environmental activist”she confides.

One of the journalists present on the set continued by indicating that it was often
Brigitte Bardot’s media outings
which are criticized, its “ideas that are a little retrograde, not necessarily oriented towards the other”.

The singer defends Brigitte Bardot

But Arielle Dombasle does not give up and continues to defend the actress. “It’s a bit of everything, but I find that we are particularly fierce with her. And then me, for whom animal activism has always been [une de mes batailles].
So, she did so much for animal suffering, she really moved things forward.”

Touching confidences for the one who will therefore be able to have a very specific role for the 2024 Olympic Games. An announcement which will be as much commented on as the possible arrival of Aya Nakamura?
Indeed, for several months, the singer has been under fire from criticism. Many personalities do not understand why Emmanuel Macron would have chosen this singer to represent France.



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