“It’s a chance to be able to come home when I need to find my roots” confides Reunion artist Mik’L

“It’s a chance to be able to come home when I need to find my roots” confides Reunion artist Mik’L
“It’s a chance to be able to come home when I need to find my roots” confides Reunion artist Mik’L

The Reunion artist Mik’L was the guest of the 7 p.m. weekend. He looked back on his success, his new title, his next concert at the Zénith and his life between Reunion and France.

Invited on the set of Antenne Réunion, Mik’l talks about his new title entitled “Collé”. “The spirit of this song is in the title” replies the artist with a laugh. “Collé” is available on all platforms and the clip will be released on June 21 on YouTube. Images broadcast exclusively on Antenne Réunion allowed us to discover the tropical atmosphere! “These are my roots, this is what I want to bring and transmit. I want to give love and warmth through the song and the music video.”

This week, Mik’l shared behind the scenes of his work and creations on social networks. “The goal is to show Zot the raw project with my voice and my guitar then how the idea passes from my mind and the implementation into practice“.

A moment of sharing with his community which is very important for the artist. “Music is magic, everyone comes with their own melodies, their energy, their vibes. It’s a creative mix and as a Reunion Islander it can only work!

Known for his songs “Aller loin”, “Kafrine” and “Si Seul”, the singer travels between Reunion and France. The opportunity to conquer a wider audience and represent the island at national and international level. “But it’s fortunate to be able to come home when I need to get back to my roots. I am very grateful and I hope it continues” concludes Mik’l.



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