Ray of sunshine in the United Kingdom, Kate Middleton returns! – Liberation

Ray of sunshine in the United Kingdom, Kate Middleton returns! – Liberation
Ray of sunshine in the United Kingdom, Kate Middleton returns! – Liberation

The unexpected news came on Friday. The Princess of Wales, off the radar since March after revealing that she was suffering from cancer, will be present this Saturday, June 15, at the ceremonies celebrating the British sovereign’s birthday.

The ceremony is one of the most grandiose of the royal year, it celebrates the official birthday of the sovereign (even if Charles III was born on November 14). We bring out the beautiful uniforms, the gleaming horses, the golden carriages and, also, the royal family. Thousands of people flock to the parade, millions enjoy themselves in front of their televisions. This year, there will undoubtedly be even more of them, since, icing on the cake, Princess Kate will be present. The 42-year-old young woman announced Friday evening June 14 on her Instagram account that she will participate in Saturday’s festivities called “Trooping the Color”.

Sabrina Champenois’ post

The parade on the Horse Guards Parade, a stone’s throw from Downing Street and especially Buckingham Palace, will inevitably be grandiose and the party will end with the traditional salute to the palace balcony by the sovereign and the most important royals. Including the Princess of Wales. The young woman had disappeared from the public scene since the beginning of March. She then announced in a short video that she had undergone serious abdominal surgery in January which revealed the presence of cancer. Since then, she has undergone chemotherapy treatment.

“I allow myself to take all this time to heal”

In her personal message, accompanied by a photo taken near her home in Windsor, where she smiles, leaning against a tree, the princess explains “progress well” in his treatment which should however continue for a few more months. “I’m not out of the woods yet,” did she say. “As anyone undergoing chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days,” said Kate Middleton. “On bad days you feel weak, tired and you need to let your body rest. But on good days, when you feel stronger, you want to take full advantage of this moment of well-being,” she continues.

The princess had completely disappeared from the radar and from public life since January, apart from during her video in March, after announcing the completion of her abdominal operation. His father-in-law, King Charles III, had at the same time undergone an operation for prostate cancer. “I am learning to be patient, especially in the face of uncertainty. I take each day as it comes, I listen to my body and I allow myself to take this time to heal,” added the wife of Prince William, heir to the throne, in her message.

The princess, who announced publicly in March that she was suffering from cancer, the nature of which remains unknown, will take part in the parade in an open carriage, with her three children, George, Charlotte and Louis, and will also greet the crowd from the Buckingham balcony. Palace. A Palace spokesperson said that King Charles III was “delighted that the princess is able to attend tomorrow’s events.” Kate also thanked the many signs of support provided by the public, saying she had been “blown”. This support “really made a difference to William and me and helped us through some of the most difficult times.”

Princess Kate is expected to attend a few more public events over the summer, but Kensington Palace insisted plans could change from day to day, depending on developments in the state of health of the young woman.



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