There is no age to declare yourself the two biggest Tom Brady fans in the world

FOXBOROUGH | When 60,000 people gather at Gillette Stadium to salute the unique career of Tom Brady, there are some more angry than others and age is no obstacle to winning the prize of the most fanatic fans of the game. immortal quarterback.

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We won’t claim to have spoken with thousands of supporters, but dozens, yes! Everyone claims to be more fervent than the other and we can easily understand them.

Tom Brady will have brought not only six Super Bowls to New England, but also 17 division titles and he will have accumulated a host of individual records. Local fans are eager for it and, before the team’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony, jerseys adorned with the number 12 multiplied around the stadium.

Among this horde of faithful, two venerable young ladies are worthy of the grand prize of Newspaper awarded to the most ardent admirers of the great Brady. And the winners are… Jeanne Dooley, 92 years old, as well as Jane Hardy, 85 years old.

A long crossing

They are not the ones who are the most in the party, but it is difficult not to salute their determination.

So as not to miss anything of the ceremony on Wednesday evening, the two accomplices left their paradise island of Nantucket by jumping on the 6:30 a.m. ferry early in the morning.

After two hours by boat and more than an hour and a half by car, they reached the promised land, in Foxborough. This is the routine that these two young spring flowers perform at each Sunday high mass, when the Patriots play at Gillette Stadium.

“To see such a special player, you have to do special things,” argued Jeanne Dooley, while her colleague Jane Hardy added that “Tom [leur] gave 20 wonderful years. He will always be important and there are no bigger fans in the world than[’elles].”

Once in a lifetime

So don’t go telling these bubbly ladies that age is a barrier when it comes to cheering on a team and an icon like Brady!

“We will never see a player like him again. It’s a world of difference with today’s young players who have their own little attitude and play for money. We hear them complaining all the time that they have to have a new contract,” railed Mme Hardy.

On their peaceful island off the popular Cape Cod peninsula, the two fans often come across none other than Nantucket resident Bill Belichick.

They admire the coach for what he brought to the Patriots, but the one of their hearts still remains Brady.

“They managed all this together, but the Bill you see on TV is the same Bill you see at the grocery store. With his stupid appearance, no one would dare to disturb him, so he can live peacefully on the island,” laughs Mme Dooley.

No doubt, the prize goes to them!

Brady and the Expos

Chris Schillberg proudly wears Tom Brady’s famous number 12, but on a defunct Expos jersey.

Stephane Cadorette

Walking around the Patriots stadium also means coming across someone named Chris Schilling, who lives about fifteen kilometers from the sacred place. Impossible for us to miss him, since he proudly wore a Brady jersey… in Expos colors.

It should be remembered that Brady was drafted in 1995 by our Z’amours, as a receiver.

“I told myself that no one today would wear this sweater, right?” said the man whose family has held season tickets for 50 years.

“I still can’t believe what Brady gave the Patriots. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if he had devoted himself to baseball. Maybe the Expos would still be in Montreal,” he reflected.

William Sine and his son Andrew would not have missed the ceremony for anything. “Apart from maybe a graduation, but still…”, they said.

Stephane Cadorette

For his part, William Sine, from New Hampshire, has held season tickets for 30 years. With his son Andrew, he relished the fact that Brady, and Drew Bledsoe shortly before him, led the Patriots out of difficult decades.

“The team was really in danger of moving. Like the fucking Nordics!”, he laughed.

Expos, Nordics… It was time to leave. The knife is well turned in the wound.



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