Marine Le Pen offers “a coffee” to Diam’s: the rapper responds without concession

Marine Le Pen offers “a coffee” to Diam’s: the rapper responds without concession
Marine Le Pen offers “a coffee” to Diam’s: the rapper responds without concession

“Marine, we will never be friends. Because my mother is French. But I wasn’t born here. » In 2004, rapper Diam’s delivered to her fans an unequivocal song. The title ” Marine “ gave pride of place to living together and rejected all the ideas of what was at the time the National Front.

A few years later, in 2006, Thierry Ardisson could not resist the temptation. He then received Marine Le Pen on the set of Everybody talks about it. And the question is not long in coming: “Do you know this song? »he asks his guest while an extract of Diam’s song is broadcast.

Marine Le Pen, future friend of Diam’s?

Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter is then categorical: ” It’s wrong. We could perfectly be friends , she assures. A reflection that Thierry Ardisson does not really share. “I’m not sure she wants it.”, admits the presenter. Marine Le Pen then reveals, against all expectations, that she is ready to discuss with the rapper, who nevertheless does not hold her in her heart.

“But above all I tell him if you want us to talk about exclusion, if you want us to have a debate on immigration, I am at your disposal. Let’s meet, we’ll discuss it. Whatever the situation, on a TV set or not, even in a café”proposes the one who was, until the recent dissolution, president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly.

“Rather die”: a cash response, and a middle finger to boot

A proposal which does not seem to have had a positive response from Diam’s. As shown by certain archives released in recent days with the rather tense political news, the rapper wanted to respond to Marine Le Pen in the middle of a concert.

“My France is boring. My youth is boring. And my suburbs are boring »shouted Diam’s loudly, before his audience responded in heart ” The National Front “. The rapper then wanted to clarify things. “Marine, rather die than go have coffee with you, fuck you”, she blurted, also giving the finger. The facts now go back eighteen years. But the coffee meeting between the two women still does not seem to be happening.



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