this revolution that he is starting could shake up the royal family – Closer

this revolution that he is starting could shake up the royal family – Closer
this revolution that he is starting could shake up the royal family – Closer

Prince William organized a garden party
at Buckingham Palace
on May 21, 2024. Despite the overcast weather that day, the Duke of Cambridge was able to count on a large number of his guests coming. The Prince of Wales especially had the support of young members of the royal family who were often sidelined.

Beatrice and Eugenie of York, Zara Tindall and her husband Mike, and Peter Philips were alongside Prince William on the rain-soaked lawn of Buckingham Palace. Historian Kelly Swaby, cited by The Mirror in an article dated June 5, 2024 estimates that the presence of Prince William’s cousins ​​at this garden party was not accidental.

Prince William: Prince of Wales makes British monarchy more relevant

Kelly Swaby, from the School of Arts, Languages ​​and Cultures at the University of Manchester, noted that Beatrice, Eugenie and Zara and Mike Tindall are young royals who know the ropes. They know what is expected of them. Only, they are remained on the sidelines these last years.

I think it’s a very subtle way for the Palace to acknowledge that it needs more people involved“said royal expert Kelly Swaby.”If you look at the history of the royal family, they have always faced significant challenges and I feel like the
Prince William try to make the monarchy more relevant“, she added.

photo credit: Bestimage Prince William, Prince of Wales, and guests during the Sovereign’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in London on May 21, 2024.

Prince William: the monarchy threatened by the disappearance of elderly members

Kelly Swaby compared the case of Elizabeth II’s coronation with that of her son, King Charles III. “The debates on the

financing of the monarchy, and whether it should exist, were certainly much less common in 1953 than they are today. Last year’s coronation raised many more questions and resistance than that of the Queen, which shows how much the United Kingdom has changed“, explains the expert in royal history.

Kelly Swaby fears that a slimmed-down monarchy as King Charles III would like could turn against the monarchy herself. “Many royals, like Princess Anne and the Duke of Kent, are getting older and no longer able to do the same“, reveals the historian about the visibility of members of the royal family. “I fear the slimmed-down monarchy will backfire significantly in coming years as older members retreat from public life“, commented the royal expert.



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