Death of Françoise Hardy: Thomas Dutronc very uncomfortable on the set of C à vous, “killing my parents…”

Death of Françoise Hardy: Thomas Dutronc very uncomfortable on the set of C à vous, “killing my parents…”

On September 13, 2024, Thomas Dutronc’s new album, entitled It’s never too late will be presented to the general public. To promote this album release, the artist has made the media tour. In particular, he answered questions from journalist Julia Vignali on Europe 1 last Sunday.

During this interview, he regretted not having been able to let his mother, Françoise Hardy, listen to his album before her death. “I always waited until the last moment becauseshe was always worried. She was too anxious for me. I preferred to make her listen to things once they were finished, because it was too complicated,” he revealed.

“I had the influence of both my parents”

This Thursday, September 12, Thomas Dutronc was invited on the show It’s up to you on France 5. The opportunity for the singer to talk about the influence of his parents in his life. “I had the influence of both my parents. They were very influential to me.”he confided. And to continue : “Then I discovered other music. I discovered Brassens, etc. That allowed me to kill my parents.” By breaking away from the musical world of Jacques Dutronc and Françoise Hardy, Thomas Dutronc has truly found his own!

For many years, Thomas Dutronc hid his desire to make music to his parents. Jacques Dutronc had notably returned to the reason why his son had hidden from him for so long that he sang. “He was supposed to play in Calvi. He didn’t want me to come. First of all, I wouldn’t have gone, that’s probably why he told me not to come. So I waited for Thomas at the bar on the terrace. I probably had a drink, the famous Carpentier (the producer, editor’s note) too, and he was going to the concert. He came back and said to me: ‘He sings wonderfully well’“, he revealed on France Info.

Thomas Dutronc hid his love for music

In reality, Thomas Dutronc did not want his mother to know. A request that Jacques Dutronc understands, despite his close relationship with his son. “Because then he would only have had: ‘You shouldn’t sing as if, you should do this etc.’ Françoise was very critical,
she told the truth, she didn’t make things any easier, it was direct,”
he explained.

The artist then continued: “If you made a melody and she didn’t like it, she would say straight up, ‘I don’t like it.’ She did not round off the corners.
Hence Thomas’ fear. He never said it, so I learned it that way.”


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