a petition calls for the withdrawal of the actor from a famous festival

Every year, in Avignon, theater lovers meet in July. But before this event, cinema fans are also entitled to their moment. Indeed, the city of the Popes is also home to the Fenêtre sur courts festival, dedicated to short films. Between June 6 and 9, Stéphane Gaillard should have been part of the jury. But a few weeks ago, this casting director, known for his commitment to the MeToo boys movement, threw in the towel. In question ? The presence of Richard Berry.

Indeed, the famous actor is the godfather of the Fenêtre sur courts festival. However, this figure of French cinema is also implicated in a dark affair. Her daughter, Coline Berry-Rojtman, accuses his father of having abused him as a child. In the company of his partner at the time, Jeane Manson. The latter, as well as Richard Berry, formally deny her accusations. They even managed to have her convicted of defamation. But the alleged victim has many supporters. Among the stars and in the associative world. In the MeToo era, the tide is turning!

Richard Berry: who wants to remove him from his role as sponsor of the Fenêtre sur courts festival?

Nowadays, with social networks, the voice of the greatest number is expressed. For worse, but also for better. Thus, in the face of injustice, all Internet users can act, at their own level. In this case, the Mouv’Enfants association took the bull by the horns. By launching an online petition. At the time of writing, it has already collected more than 350 signatures. The objective? Getting Richard Berry to leave. And prevent him from intervening as sponsor of the short film festival, which will take place from June 6 to 9 in Avignon.

“How can the Avignon International Short Film Festival Fenêtre Sur Courts appoint Richard Berry as sponsor for this 2024 edition when this year is marked by the #MeToo #MeTooCinema movement? », We can read in the description of the petition.

It must be said that in addition to the accusations of incest against him, the actor saw an older affair resurface. Indeed, Coline Berry-Rojtman’s mother is none other than Catherine Hiegel. The actress, aged 77, recently revealed the violence that Richard Berry subjected her to. Even when she was pregnant with their daughter, in the 1970s. All while posing in front of Marc Melki’s lens. for the moment, the Fenêtre sur courts festival team has not yet reacted… To be continued!



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