HOUSE OF STARS: Isabel Otero installed in a village thousands of kilometers from her famous daughter, photos of her paradise

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

Actress in “Meurtres en Béarn”, a television film broadcast this Saturday May 25, 2024 on France 3, Isabel Otero moved into a property with three hectares in Costa Rica in 2021. A choice that she absolutely does not regret even if her daughter Ana Girardot and his grandson Jazz, who remained in France, miss him greatly.

HOUSE OF STARS: Isabel Otero installed in a village thousands of kilometers from her famous daughter, photos of her paradise

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Having lived in Costa Rica for almost two years, Isabel Otero has found her paradise in this Latin American country surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Her choice to leave France came true during the lockdown period in 2020. After months of searching, she finally found a property with a large plot of land.

This period made me think. I had been committed to ecology for years, but at that moment, I wanted to feel the impact that nature had on me in real life. I looked for where I could find what I was looking for. I chose Costa Rica and bought the property and its three hectares on the Internet in March 2021. I went there three months later. Since then, I have planted 3,000 plants as they say, that is to say trees. Florals, fruit trees and natives. I had my first bunches of bananas. It is magic“, the actress confided to the casting this evening of Murders in Béarn on France 3 at The New Republic.

In this environment of lush vegetation, the actress of the film The bet can finally devote himself to a cause that is very close to his heart: ecology. For TV MagazineIsabel Otero recounted having left her suitcases in a village “ecologically very preserved“.”I approached my sixties by asking myself what I wanted to experience, knowing that I have the same energy as before. It turns out that in Costa Rica there is water and sun. It is a place conducive to abundance. I left there eighteen months ago and since then, I have planted three thousand trees. Today, I am even an oyster farmer. Now I’m in the concrete, and no longer just in words“, added the 61-year-old actress.

Ana Girardot and Jazz, her two loves who remained in France

Mom of Ana Girardot (fruit of her love with Hippolyte Girardot), she became grandmother of Jazz, an adorable little boy with light eyes born in December 2020, from her daughter’s relationship with her husband Oscar Louveau. Missing her family, she regularly returns to France to spend time with her family. “When I’m back, I’m only here for them“, she declared, also indicating that she was preparing the future of her grandson whom she cherishes so much.

What I’m preparing today is for Jazz. When he comes to Costa Rica in five or ten years, he will discover a territory that is unlike anything he can see in France.“, she revealed with great tenderness about her 3-year-old grandson.



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