This is what these stars over 50 would look like with a “memerizing” hairstyle

This is what these stars over 50 would look like with a “memerizing” hairstyle
This is what these stars over 50 would look like with a “memerizing” hairstyle

Choosing a rejuvenating and flattering haircut for your face is essential after 50, but certain preconceived ideas about hairstyles can quickly mislead you… The proof with these transformations of stars who are in their fifties, when they adopt a hairstyle “ memerizing”.

Find the ideal rejuvenating haircut after 50 is not an easy task whatever the morphology of the face, the type and nature of the hair. And for good reason, the best length of hair to rejuvenate the face in your fifties is not always what you think at first glance, as revealed by hair experts like Helena Rodero. The pharmacist and hair specialist questions a “hair theory” very popular at this age on Instagram: the idea that cutting your hair short necessarily makes us younger.

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To support her statements in a video posted on the social network and to combat this preconceived idea which sometimes leads us to adopt a hairstyle that is more “memorizing” than “rejuvenating”, the expert had the good idea to illustrate her point with celebrity hair transformations. She thus selected 5 celebrities known to be particularly attractive women over 50 and recognized for not looking their age. Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Courtney Cox, Nicole Kidman and even the model Cindy Crawford, and she then proved that by only changing their haircut, these stars who are in their fifties see themselves completely transformed and quickly sport a “nerdy” look. A good reason to adopt all our hairdresser tips to rejuvenate your face thanks to your haircut by opting for a personalized haircut change.

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This is what these 5 stars over 50 would look like with a “memerizing” haircut

Choosing a rejuvenating hairstyle is not necessarily limited to wearing short hair as proven by the transformations of our favorite stars with a memerizing haircut that you can discover below. As Helena Rodero points out, these sublime stars after 50 thanks to their rejuvenating haircut tailor-made to flatter their mature features, are just like everyone else. They look good “15 years older” when they have the wrong haircut.

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The pharmacist and hair specialist specifies that this is what happens when you opt for a short cut that doesn’t go with your body shape. Something that had already been proven to us with the worst “memerizing” short cut to wear according to a hairdresser, which is among the worst hairstyle mistakes to make after 50. That being said, the expert concedes that “short hair does not always age because it depends a lot on each individual’s physiognomy.”

Haircut after 50: 4 “memerizing” hairstyles to avoid

By discovering the “memerizing” haircuts on the features of these celebrities, we immediately see the impact of a bad choice of haircut in your fifties. We therefore decipher these haircuts and these ways of styling your hair which can turn out to be unflattering and even downright outdated when worn at 50 or over:

  • the square ball : this square cut, more or less long or short, but characterized by a gradient which ovalizes the hair around the head, gives the hairstyle an unmodern and frozen appearance. This hardens the facial features a lot.

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  • brushed curls : if imperfect wavy waves are exquisite for rejuvenating any haircut, this is clearly not the case for curls created during too rigid blow-drying which certainly combine volume and movement, but in a strict and unnatural way . Result: any hairstyle becomes “memerizing” with them.
  • the short rounded cut : very similar to the bob square with its rounded shape which does not harmoniously frame the oval of the face and continues its curve on the top of the hairstyle, it is the frozen cut cut par excellence, and therefore the one to avoid at all costs when you wants a modern and rejuvenating hairstyle.
  • the mullet-style bob cut : too eccentric at 50, the revisited mullet cut tends to give a cheesy look rather than modernize a look worn in this way. Worse still, associated with a wavy blow-dry, it turns out to be particularly “memerizing”.

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