Thierry Neuvic, father of Joseph with Jenifer: he speaks about Maxim Nucci, also father of a child with the singer

Thierry Neuvic, father of Joseph with Jenifer: he speaks about Maxim Nucci, also father of a child with the singer
Thierry Neuvic, father of Joseph with Jenifer: he speaks about Maxim Nucci, also father of a child with the singer

Every weekend, the newspaper Release asks a personality about his musical tastes and this Saturday, May 18, it’s Thierry Neuvic, star of the series The recruit on TF1 who was questioned. At the turn of a question, he had a word for a man who, like him, had a child with the singer Jenifer.

The actor never talks about his private life, that’s a fact. But we know that the relationship is good with his ex-partner Jenifer, mother of his son Joseph, born August 13, 2014. Better yet, there does not seem to be any rivalry or tension with another man in life. of the singer, Maxim Nucci, aka Yodelice, with whom she has a son named Aaron, born December 5, 2003.

If we learn during the interview that Thierry Neuvic does not like metal because it “attacks“and that his fondest concert memory is that of NTM in 1998 at the Zénith in Paris”with crazy energy“, almost “animal“, the actor mentions an ex-companion of Jenifer. When asked what is the last record he listened to on repeat, Thierry Neuvic replies: “Yodelice’s latest titles.” The compliment is there, no connection is made between the fathers of Jenifer’s children in the article, but this sentence means a lot.

Aaron and Joseph, brothers who love each other

Maxim Nucci (Yodelice) today shares his life with Isabelle Ithurburu and they had a child together, Mia, born August 1, 2018. Jenifer married Ambroise Fieschi and are the parents of a little Juvanni, born on May 8, 2021. A large blended family who get along very well. The brothers, Aaron and Joseph adore each other. In the show Kindergartens, Thierry Neuvic had, for once, mentioned his son. On camera, he recounted the first time Aaron met Joseph. Eleven years his senior, he fell under the spell of his little brother. A first “extraordinary“according to the step-dad.”The first day, he wore a T-shirt that he had made himself and wrote ‘this is the happiest day of my life, welcome my little brother’, it was great“, confided Thierry Neuvic.



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