Angelina Jolie: Jon Voight and his mother, of whom she is a double, in Cannes, very rare images

Angelina Jolie: Jon Voight and his mother, of whom she is a double, in Cannes, very rare images
Angelina Jolie: Jon Voight and his mother, of whom she is a double, in Cannes, very rare images

It is certainly one of the most anticipated films this year at the Cannes Film Festival. Nearly 13 years after his last official film, Francis Ford Coppola will present his latest work, which is said to be absolutely sensational, in official competition. With a budget of more than 120 million dollars and a cast that would make even the slightest movie buff swoon, Sofia Coppola’s father shows that at 85 years old, he still has things to say. In Megalopoliswe find the young guard of Hollywood cinema, like Adam Driver, Shia Labeouf or Aubrey Plaza, just like the sacred monsters that are Dustin Hoffman or Jon Voight.

A remarkable return for the 85-year-old actor, who made himself known at the end of the 60s with his legendary role in Macadam Cowboy and who has since become one of the most important actors in Hollywood. The father ofAngelina Jolie is expected on the steps of the Palais des Festivals in the company of a host of actors, but this is not the first time he has gone there. In 1978, then at the height of his career, he came to defend Back, a film by Hal Ashby dedicated to the Vietnam War. A real triumph for Jon Voight, who walked away with the male performance prize during an edition for which he was accompanied by his wife at the time, Marcheline Bertrand (the photos can be found in the slideshow).

Marcheline Bertrand died in 2007 from cancer

The two lovebirds married in 1971 and had two children, James Haven and Angelina Jolie, who is truly the spitting image of her mother, an American-Canadian actress who died in 2007 at only 56 years old from cancer. Not sure that the 48-year-old actress accompanies her father when climbing the steps due to their very conflictual relationship. Moreover, she is already quite busy with her ex Brad Pitt lately. The mother of 6 children accuses him of bleeding her financially and new revelations have been made in this story recently. The legal battle continues between the two stars and according to Daily Mailthe actor would have a Machiavellian plan in mind. “Angelina Jolie says Brad Pitt’s trial is an example of his efforts to control and drain her financially”indicates the British media.

