Antoine Dupont confides in his love life and addresses a subject that is close to his heart

Antoine Dupont confides in his love life and addresses a subject that is close to his heart
Antoine Dupont confides in his love life and addresses a subject that is close to his heart

Usually very discreet, rugby player Antoine Dupont agreed to speak about his love life in an interview, using the subject to address a major cause to which he is particularly sensitive.

Usually, Antoine Dupont is not a man to flaunt his private life. The Stade star prefers to talk about his sporting exploits, such as his recent gold medal won in rugby 7 during the 2024 Olympic Games. However, this Saturday, October 5, the athlete was not able to dodge the questions incisive comments of the journalists from “Papotin” whose meetings are broadcast on 2.

To celebrate his recent title of Olympic champion, Antoine Dupont took part in an interview with these non-professional journalists who have an autism spectrum disorder. On the program are sometimes very frank questions which do not bother with forms to obtain equally sincere answers.

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The tone was set when, from the start of the interview, journalist Berivan went into the area of ​​personal life. “Do you have a little boy or a girl?” » asks the young girl to Antoine Dupont. A little embarrassed, he then replies that he has no children and that he is not married. Faced with this succession of negative responses, the young girl persisted, asking “Why?” Don’t you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? »

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Antoine Dupont single but committed to love

Pushed to his limits, Antoine Dupont ends up confiding that “I don’t have a girlfriend”. Aware that this revelation is not necessarily synonymous with celibacy, Berivan returns to the charge, “What about a boyfriend? » “I don’t have a boyfriend,” replies Antoine Dupont, laughing.

“Why no boyfriend? » then asks the journalist to the former FC player who then declines the definition of the word “friend” to confide “If, then, I have my rugby friends, then I have plenty of them. “. This ambivalence of the term “friend” allows Antoine Dupont a little later to express himself on another subject that is dear to him: the fight against homophobia in sport.

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When faced with a journalist asking him if the situation was changing, the Toulouse resident was able to respond “it’s still a subject that is still taboo. For example, in professional rugby we only have one player who has come out but I think that statistically there must be others. »

Although recognizing the slowness of this evolution, the player nevertheless assures that “we would be ready to accept that without any problem so we must continue to talk about it to make people comfortable”. Fortunately, the journalists from Papotin will always be present to ask sincere questions about the love lives of athletes and thus allow the most beautiful, intimate confessions.



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