“I love writing in the middle of the night”: Loïc Nottet releases the second volume of “Aveuglés”

“I love writing in the middle of the night”: Loïc Nottet releases the second volume of “Aveuglés”
“I love writing in the middle of the night”: Loïc Nottet releases the second volume of “Aveuglés”

Those who have read the first book will find the continuation of the adventures of Natan and Théo who decide to go back to the other side of the mirror to search for their missing mother Irène. “Characters will resurface. We will learn more about Narcyss and we will discover what the land of Reflections is which we did not talk about in the first volume“, explains Loïc Nottet who, once again, took pleasure in bringing the story he created to life.

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How did the writing of this second volume go?

Writing this second volume took me more time. Not for the ideas because I already had them before writing the first one but because I wanted to do it finely to make sure it was fair and that the audience liked it. The first book was like the appetizer. I presented the story. In the second, we had to respond to the universe already presented and bring new things, like more information about the world behind the mirror.

Under what conditions do you write?

As with my songs, I write at home, in the middle of the night. That’s when I have the most ideas. There are also days when I feel like I need to write. Like today, for example. Starting next week, I will start writing the third volume.

When the first book was released, you mentioned a possible film adaptation. Has the idea caught on?

I would love to but I don’t want to write under pressure. I prefer to finish the trilogy first. Then I will send it and have it translated to see if an adaptation is possible.

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The first cover of this second volume is based on the cover of your album “Addictocrat”. For what ?

I like to link music and books. I had the features of my portrait which is on the cover of my album sublimated by a designer. We added a crown. I found it super narcissistic. In keeping with the story of the book.

In this volume, we learn more about Narcyss. Who is he?

In the story, he’s the bad guy. But, in reality, it’s a bit of the narcissism that we all have but which is healthy when it’s in the right dosage. Coming to love yourself is essential, but you must not love yourself so much that you forget others and be disrespectful. Narcyss represents this bad side that we can have if we don’t know how to separate things.”

Do you think today’s society is too obsessed with its reflection in the mirror?

When I was working on the Selfocracy album, it was the beginning of Instagram. I saw people posting a lot of photos where they were “pimping out.” I found it awkward. I find that we live in a hypocritical society that puts a lot of pressure. So yes, we can say what we want and we can be who we want. But, the fear of being yourself persists. If we dare to be 100% ourselves on social networks, we will get a wave of hatred. There is something inconsistent there. It makes some people feel better in their sneakers and, on the contrary, it makes others even more lost. There is no in between.”



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