Laeticia Hallyday: “Life reminds us of the fragility of beings…” She urgently goes to her mother’s bedside

Laeticia Hallyday: “Life reminds us of the fragility of beings…” She urgently goes to her mother’s bedside
Laeticia Hallyday: “Life reminds us of the fragility of beings…” She urgently goes to her mother’s bedside

the essential
Laeticia Hallyday had to leave quickly to go to the side of her mother Françoise who was hospitalized after an accident.

Laeticia Hallyday, who was in Paris a few days ago for Fashion Week, had to leave the capital urgently to go to her mother’s side. It was a call from her father-in-law who alerted her. Laeticia Hallyday’s mother had just been hospitalized after an accident. Françoise Thibaut had a bad fall. She broke her femur, according to the magazine Closer.

Laeticia Hallyday’s mother lives in Cap d’ in Hérault. She was taken care of by the orthopedic surgery and traumatology team at the Saint-Privat clinic in Boujan-sur-Libron, near Béziers. She had to have a hip prosthesis fitted.

Laeticia Hallyday published several reassuring photos with her mother in her room at the clinic, but also back at home, where we can see her on crutches.

“Sometimes, life reminds us of the fragility of the people we love… And certain moments also remind us to the extent to which love and kindness can change everything,” writes Laeticia Hallyday on her Instagram account. She takes the opportunity to thank the medical team. “Today, she is better, and I finally find peace.”

Laeticia Hallyday came to spend several days in Hérault on the banks of the Etang de Thau, at the end of July, as she does every year, with her family. The wife of the late Johnny Hallyday lives on the island of Saint-Barthélemy the rest of the year.



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