Iris Mittenaere will testify against her ex-partner for domestic violence

Iris Mittenaere will testify against her ex-partner for domestic violence
Iris Mittenaere will testify against her ex-partner for domestic violence

By Arno C.

– Published on Sep 30, 2024 at 5:23 p.m.modified on Sep 30, 2024 at 8:47 p.m.

Iris Mittenaere had a turbulent month of September to say the least. Victim of domestic violence, she will testify against her ex.

While she had barely separated from her ex-partner Diego Glaoui, Iris Mittenaere had not wasted time in the opinion of many. She had in fact very quickly displayed on the arm of a new man. His name was Bruno Pelat and he seemed charming in every way. Son of a very rich businessman, he is a real estate agent in Montmartre, where he grew up.

Iris Mittenaere’s new romance therefore had everything to delight the columns of the celebrity press. Him, tall, dark-haired and very well born. She, a former Miss who became an influencer. The darlings of the celebrity press were already ready to welcome stolen photos and other future indiscretions on this promising couple. Unfortunately for the former miss, everything did not go as planned.

The verbal and physical violence experienced by Iris Mittenaere

It is in fact in the legal pages that the young woman made people talk about her. His new companion is in fact not at all the prince charming initially hoped for. Iris Mittenaere was forced to file a complaint at the police station in order to obtain a removal order with immediate effect against Bruno Pelat. He would have, according to information from Parisian, “hit your head against a wall” and threatened with “make him lose all his contacts”. He also reportedly mentioned the possibility of having his father fired.

The first rumors surrounding this sordid morality tale began to emerge at the time of the parade. Etam Live Show. An event at the Monnaie de in which the former Miss participated. Appeared with a bandage around the wristshe had been assaulted the previous evening by her future ex-partner. A very sad story for Iris Mittenaere but which was unfortunately quite predictable.

The already heavy criminal record of Iris Mittenaere’s ex-companion

Everything happened very quickly between the two lovers. Between the separation with Diego Glaoui, the meeting and the formalization with Bruno Pelat, everything happened extremely quickly. Probably the passion of the beginnings, who made the old miss let down her guard. Still, she absolutely did not suspect that by exploring a little into her new boyfriend’s past, she could have found many answers to her current distress.

The 22-year-old young man living in Montmartre is in fact a repeat offender. He had already been convicted in the past for similar acts. In addition to death threats to his father, he had already been sentenced for hitting an ex-partner a few years ago. In total, no less than four convictions appeared on his criminal record before this fifth. Justice risks being less lenient than it has been in the past.

Bruno Pelat’s justifications

The son of the famous businessman Olivier Pelat insisted on justifying himself during his hearing. Growing up without his mother, he admitted to suffering from an impulsivity problem due to an acute fear of abandonment. Aware of his concerns, he admitted the facts and accepted the removal measure. “My impulsivity is a problem. I will no longer have contact with her. I want her to be happy”.

While waiting to know the judgment that will be pronounced in this story, it is necessary to remember that this kind of situation is totally unacceptable. We wish Iris Mittenaere a speedy recovery, both physically and psychologically.



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