Ready to open your heart again and reconnect with love!

Ready to open your heart again and reconnect with love!
Ready to open your heart again and reconnect with love!

After playing the role of Marie-Louise Goulet in the series 5e rang, Martine Francke enjoy this new adventure in STAT.

In parallel with her work on television, the actress is preparing for a new theatrical adventure. She will perform in the play A woman’s lifewhich will be presented at Espace Go in Montreal starting January 28.

Family pride and happiness

On a personal level, Martine is delighted by her daughter’s successes, Lili Francke-Robitaille. Actress for 10 years now, Lili plays this fall the role of Charlie, the youngest daughter of Jean Dumas (Gildor Roy) in the new series by Luc Dionne, Dumasbroadcast on Radio-Canada.

Mother and daughter also took time to recharge their batteries this summer, going on a trip together to New Brunswick, Gaspésie and Bas-Saint-Laurent.

The summer was also marked by precious family moments. Martine took advantage of the visit of her sister, who lives in California, and relatives from Poland to spend time together in Montreal. But the highlight of this season for her was the joy of rocking her grandson, Romeoborn December 26, 2023.



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