“This morning I discovered in my mailbox a photo signed by Brigitte Bardot,” shares the director of an animal shelter near .

“This morning I discovered in my mailbox a photo signed by Brigitte Bardot,” shares the director of an animal shelter near .
“This morning I discovered in my mailbox a photo signed by Brigitte Bardot,” shares the director of an animal shelter near Perpignan.

The director of the Rivesaltes animal shelter still can’t believe it: it was at noon on September 24, 2024 that she discovered the very kind missive, delicately wrapped, written by the hand of the French animal-loving star.I think she found out about Un Gîte Une Gamelle via social media,” Corinne Legrand confides, very touched.

“It was at noon, when I was simply going to get the mail, that I discovered the envelope. It was well sealed and I felt that the inside was a bit cardboard. When I turned it over, I discovered the name of the sender and there, I admit that my arms fell off when I read the name written on the back: Brigitte Bardot!” says Corinne Legrand, director of the animal shelter Un Gîte Une Gamelle based in Rivesaltes. She asks herself: “I guess she found out about the shelter’s existence and activities through social media.”

After opening it, she discovers inside, delicately wrapped in tissue paper itself covered with a light cardboard folded for protection, a very pretty photo of the French star, taken in profile and holding a gray tabby cat. They are both looking in the same direction.And then I read her kind and friendly dedication written by her hand: “For the shelter Un Gîte, une gamelle” Thanks to Corinne Legrand for all the good and all the love she gives to the animals”, signed Brigitte Bardot.

Still overcome with emotion when she talks about what she calls “a wonderful surprise from this great lady of cinema whom I have always admired“, Corinne confides “On the advice of a veterinarian friend, I rushed to have several copies of this precious photo enlarged to 40 x 60 format! The original will soon be enthroned in my office at the Rivesaltes refuge, and an enlarged copy at home, of course.”



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