Norbert Tarayre returns to a daily show on M6 on…

Norbert Tarayre returns to a daily show on M6 on…
Norbert Tarayre returns to a daily show on M6 on…

A year after his departure from The best bakery in Norbert Tarayre makes his big comeback in a daily show on M6! The chef will be accompanied by Yoann Conte to embody The best regional cuisine is at my place!.

We met him in the kitchens of season 3 of Top Chefthen at the helm of various cooking shows Norbert and Jean: The Challenge has Office clerk passing by The Battle of the Regions. But above all, for seven years, Norbert Tarayre crisscrossed the roads of France with Bruno Cormerais in search of the best bakery in the country. A year after announcing that he was leaving the baker’s competition, Norbert Tarayre returns to M6 for a daily access show. The 41-year-old chef is returning alongside Yoann Conte on the show The best regional cuisine is at home! from Monday October 7 at 5:30 p.m.

The best regional cuisine is at home! : what is the concept of the new M6 show with Norbert Tarayre?

Forget about cooking competitions Top Chef which give pride of place to technique and stars, the aim of The best regional cuisine is at my place! is to discover restaurants that smell of the land, to give a voice to restaurateurs and local artisans who gravitate around their establishments (in particular producers). Every day from Monday to Thursday, two establishments will be opposed and rated on four points : the reception, the decoration, a test called “the appetizer” where the restaurateur must propose a recipe highlighting local products, and finally a starter/main course or main course/dessert test representative of the region and the style of the restaurant. On Friday, it’s time for the regional final to elect the best local table. Eight regions will be highlighted for several weeks : and Hauts-de-France (in the same week), , New Aquitaine, , the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Burgundy-Franche-Comté and finally the . On the other hand, unlike The best bakery in Francenational final point.

Why Norbert Tarayre is returning to daily life after leaving The Best Bakery from France? He answers us!

If Norbert Tarayre had stopped participating in The best bakery in Franceit is partly to devote himself to his new culinary project – he has taken over the kitchens of the bar and restaurant 19.20 of the Prince de Galles – but also because the filming of the show encroached on his private life. Indeed, the chef left to film every other week for many months. For The best regional cuisine is at my place!filming took place from March 11 to May 30, with a few breaks in between for the professional needs of two chefs.When Yoann or I needed time during filming, we always managed to free ourselves up.r. Studio 89 (the production company behind the program, editor’s note) is fully aware. TV exposes us quite a bit and M6 understands that if we have a setback because of a show, we discount it“, Norbert Tarayre explained to us.



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