his final home bought for more than a million euros by a personality

his final home bought for more than a million euros by a personality
his final home bought for more than a million euros by a personality

A little over a year after Jane Birkin’s death, the newspaper The Telegram reveals to us in its edition of Thursday, September 12, 2024 that the artist’s final home was sold for more than one million euros. And the buyer is not a stranger!

Remember, the announcement of Jane Birkin’s death on July 23, 2023 at the age of 76 caused a monumental shockwave. Étienne Daho, Jean Dujardin and Cyril Féraud paid tribute to her, as did the stars of the 60s Brigitte Bardot and Sheila. For his part, Pierre Richard said he was upset by the death of his ex-partner in the films I’m getting the mustard up my nose And The shallot race. But of course, the most heartbreaking tributes were paid to him by his children, the illustrious singers and actresses Lou Doillon and Charlotte Gainsbourg, as well as by his last companion, Olivier Rolin.

Lou Doillon lived “a year of hell“after the death of his mother Jane Birkin

More than a year has passed since Jane Birkin’s death and the wound remains painfully raw for her daughters. Thus, on July 15, 2023, the day before the first anniversary of her death, Lou Doillon posted a message as moving as it was poetic on Instagram: “To say to God, Goodbye to all the roofs, to all the places, is to say goodbye to all the us, to a lot of me. A year soon, a year already, all the anniversaries of the first year, already sung that’s already something. Mom, in this year of hell, I’m already getting used to it. We will stand tall my man, my sons and me. Love is everything“. To illustrate this poignant text, Lou Doillon had then posted several photos of Kachalou, her mother’s last favorite home located in Lannilis, in Finistère. A house that the singer and actress had named thus by taking the first syllable of the first names of her three daughters, Kate Barry, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Lou Doillon.

This successful novelist who bought Jane Birkin’s last home

After Jane Birkin’s death, Lou Doillon had to face another challenge: emptying her house so that it could be put up for sale. With its 14 rooms, including 9 bedrooms, its heated swimming pool, and its 6,000 square meters of garden, Kachalou was listed at a price of 1,890,000 euros. According to the Thursday, September 12, 2024 edition of the regional newspaper The Telegramthe house has finally found a buyer. And the buyer is not a stranger… or rather an unknown person since it is the successful novelist Aurélie Valognes. The author of the best-seller Granny in the nettles would indeed have fallen under the spell of this beautiful building, but she would not plan to settle there. Indeed, she would plan to create a space for exchanges between writers, who would come in residence with her. Beautiful pages should therefore once again be written in this house…



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