Kaizen, the Inoxtag report, breaks all records but is strongly criticized: why?

Kaizen, the Inoxtag report, breaks all records but is strongly criticized: why?
Kaizen, the Inoxtag report, breaks all records but is strongly criticized: why?

A highly criticized report was made by the YouTuber Inoxtag. Real name Inès Benazzouz, he is a 22-year-old Franco-Algerian influencer who grew up in the region. He has 8 million subscribers on YouTube and 20 million on all his social networks.

He started at 11 years old on YouTube to talk about video games. He then set himself challenges with other YouTubers of his generation like Michou, known for having participated in Dancing with the Stars.

And this Kaizen report was born thanks to a challenge that the influencer set for himself: to climb Everest. He gave himself a year to achieve this crazy bet. A year and a half ago, he announced that he was leaving social media in order to devote himself to his project. A year and a half later, he is back on social media with the broadcast of his report. A report that retraces the year of preparation of Inoxtag and its ascent.

What messages are conveyed in Inoxtag?

There are three main messages that come out of this report. The first is to believe in your dreams and give yourself the means to make them come true. The second is to disconnect from social networks to experience incredible moments in connection with nature. Which is paradoxical for a YouTuber. Finally, the third is to protect the environment.

In his documentary, the Youtuber warns about the pollution on Everest. It is estimated that the highest mountain in the world collects 35 tons of waste. Abandoned mountaineering equipment, organic waste and even bodies. Bodies of hikers who died trying to climb the highest mountain in the world.

Three main criticisms

But, barely released, the documentary is as much appreciated as criticized. The fans are unanimous. The images are superb. The production is breathtaking and the challenge is crazy. But some mountain climbers and journalists are more moderate. Three main criticisms emerge. The first is that the YouTuber did not really achieve a feat since he needed oxygen to climb Everest. He is also criticized for giving the impression that it is easy to climb Everest when every year there are deaths during the ascent.

Then, it represents a cost. Around 60,000 euros per person who attempts the journey. Inoxtag has announced that this trip cost it 1 million euros. But the expedition was largely paid for thanks to the sponsors who were very present during the report.

The third criticism concerns overtourism in Nepal. Some people blame the YouTuber for making people want to climb Everest. However, the climb is not only expensive but also very polluting. This is paradoxical because Inoxtag denounces pollution on the mountain and, at the same time, encourages people to try the climb.

Inoxtag Youtube



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