Sexual assault: American rapper P. Diddy arrested in New York: News

Sexual assault: American rapper P. Diddy arrested in New York: News
Sexual assault: American rapper P. Diddy arrested in New York: News

American rapper P. Diddy was arrested on Monday, September 16 by police in Manhattan. Several complaints have been filed against him, including for sexual assault.

On Monday, September 16, rapper P. Diddy, real name Sean Combs, was arrested in the evening by the Manhattan police. The artist is the subject of numerous complaints, including for sexual assault. According to the victims’ testimony, he used alcohol and drugs to obtain their submission, reports CNN.

“Earlier this evening (Monday), federal agents arrested Sean Combs on an indictment issued by the Southern District Court of New York,” said prosecutor Damian Williams. The 54-year-old rapper’s lawyer denounced “unjust prosecutions against” his client.

“Violent” and “deviant” behavior

In total, nine complaints have been filed against P. Diddy in almost a year. One of the first women to denounce the rapper’s actions was his former partner. In November 2023, she accused him of having a “violent behavior” And “deviant” for almost 10 years.

The most recent complaint was filed in early July. A former porn actress said P. Diddy had used her “as a sexual pawn for the pleasure and financial benefit of other people” during parties between 2004 and 2009. She filed a complaint for sexual assault.

The American rapper has, so far, always strongly denied the accusations against him. Although he has been the subject of allegations of violence since the 1990s, no major conviction has ever been handed down against him.

published on September 17 at 7:08 a.m., Lila Bruandet, 6Medias




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