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“The election was stolen from the French people,” denounces Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Emmanuel Macron has made his choice: Michel Barnier, former European Commissioner and MEP for Les Républicains, will succeed Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister. Immediately after this announcement, Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacted to this announcement. “The election was stolen from the French people,” denounced the leader of La France insoumise.

Unsurprisingly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon deplores the fact that the responsibility for forming a new government does not fall to the New Popular Front, “which came out on top in the election”. The hypothesis of nominating Lucie Castets has in fact been ruled out by Emmanuel Macron since August 26.

“Almost a government of Mr Macron and Mrs Le Pen”

The new Prime Minister will thus be “one member among others of a party that has one of the smallest numbers of deputies in the National Assembly”, regrets Jean-Luc Mélenchon. There are in fact 47 Les Républicains deputies sitting today within the “Republican Right” group in the Assembly.

For the leader of La France Insoumise, the appointment of Michel Barnier is also being made “with the permission and perhaps at the suggestion of the National Rally, while the second round of the legislative elections had been focused on defeating the RN”. “It is almost a government of Mr Macron and Mrs Le Pen”, he said.

In a statement published on social media, RN president Jordan Bardella stated that his party would not automatically vote for the censure of the new Prime Minister. “We will judge on the evidence,” he said.


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