The editorial-in-chief of the Courier will be shared between four journalists (Archives).
The Courier innovates. The editorial staff of the Geneva daily will in future be managed by a committee of four journalists. The objective is to bring more horizontality, consultation and plurality, we read Thursday in the editorial of Courrier en ligne.
This editorial committee, rather than editor-in-chief, was elected by the general assembly of the Nouvelle Association du Courrier. With this formula which ‘sticks to the ideals of the newspaper and reconnects with the trios or duos of chief editors set up between 2011 and 2020’, it is a question of ‘contributing to the essential collective momentum while spreading the load and responsibilities’.
The only editor-in-chief for four years, Philippe Bach, at Courrierv since 1991, will be part of the quartet of complementary profiles accustomed to working together for several years. The others are Christophe Koessler, at Courrier since 2011, today in charge of the International Solidarity section, Nathalie Gerber McCrae, who joined the team in 2016 and since 2019 has assumed responsibility for the strategic areas of digital publishing and social networks, and Roderic Mounir, in the Culture section since 2000.
The mandate of this committee lasts in principle three years.
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