Road safety for motorists and other road users is one of the subjects that attracts the most attention from the authorities, along with road safety and road safety education. Knowing the road signs is essential, not only to pass the exam, but also to drive safely. Moreover, a new sign warns of imminent danger that could endanger their lives. However, many drivers are unaware of this.
Motorists should not ignore certain aspects!
Knowing the road signs is essential for safe travel. And above all, do not present a danger to yourself or others. However, we must be careful when traveling outside the borders of France. Because, even if European countries adopt fairly similar road signs, differences exist. And, it's worth it, for all motorists and other drivers to know them.
Especially, Ireland, Poland and Sweden stand out the most from this point of view. Indeed, some of the symbols and signs that these countries use are completely different from those that the majority of European countries have adopted. This is why, before leaving, it is always good to take care of certain aspects.
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First of all, it is good to know that not all signs on European roads have the same color. Indeed, in some countries, the background of some signs changes. Which could confuse motorists. For example, the danger sign is white in most European countries, with a red border.
In Poland, Sweden and Ireland, however, its color is completely different. Because, in the majority of cases, it is yellow or orange. Fortunately, it is still possible to interpret it. Because, the symbol inside remains unchanged and is therefore very similar to what we find on French panels. Fortunately, the meaning of the signs remains, in fact, almost unchanged in all European countries.
A new sign that warns of imminent danger
The site The Automobile tells us that a new panel deserves to be known. In fact, this sign indicates that motorists or other drivers risk encountering a dangerous situation. This is a sign from our Belgian neighbors: the A50 panel beyond Quiévrainwhich therefore anticipates a dangerous situation.
It is a triangle with thick red edges on a white background. On it, there are three black vehicles stuck one behind the other.
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This sign is, in fact, relatively new on Belgian roads. The Belgian authorities introduced it, as part of the major revision of the Highway Code. Code that they have now renamed “Public Highway Code”. His goal? Provide motorists and other road users with clear and precise signage of potential dangers.
As indicated in the explanations of The Automobile, This new A50 danger sign warns of a risk of “queuing”. You will have understood it, of a possible traffic jam. Placed, in the majority of cases, to the right of the road, this sign can sometimes be located above the road, approximately 150 meters from the potential danger.
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