DayFR Euro

a 5G XXL package at a mini price to stop the bleeding

The war of packages is raging, and SFR does not intend to give in. With its 200 GB offer in 5G for less than €10, the operator is trying a poker move to win back customers lost to Free Mobile.

SFR brings out the heavy artillery. Faced with the hemorrhage of subscribers, the operator is offering a 200 GB 5G package at €9.99 per month. A price never seen before which could well reshuffle the cards of the French mobile market.

The package that hits

Let’s start with the facts: SFR, through its low-cost brand RED, is now offering a package including 200 GB of 5G data for just €9.99 per month. To put this figure into perspective, the same package was offered at €17.99 a few weeks ago. We’re therefore talking about a price drop of almost 45%. This offer is all the more impressive since it includes 5G, a technology that is still often charged extra by competitors. With 200 GB of data, even the most data-hungry users should find what they’re looking for.

Why such an offer now?

The reason for this major price change? SFR is bleeding. The operator lost no less than 487,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2024. A dizzying figure which contrasts with the performance of Free Mobile, which gained 212,000 customers over the same period. Faced with this hemorrhage, SFR had no other choice but to react. This aggressive offer is clearly intended to stop the exodus of customers to Free and attract new ones, even if it means cutting into its margins.

SFR is not the only one to lower its prices. Bouygues Telecom, via its B&You brand, has also recently revised its prices downwards. Only Orange seems to be holding back from this price war for the moment.

Be careful, however, not to declare victory too quickly. This offer, although attractive, has its limits. First, it’s only available until July 3. Secondly, this is a no-commitment package, which means the price could change in the future. The good news: you can change your offer without incurring any costs.

Unlimited calls

200 Go en France

27 Go en Europe

Unlimited calls

80 Go en France

20 Go en Europe

Unlimited calls

200 Go – 250 Go en France

15 Go en Europe



All mobile plans


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