DayFR Euro

The SRF will cut around 70 positions by early 2025 –

The SRF will eliminate around 70 full-time positions by the beginning of 2025. This measure is part of the strategic project “SRF 4.0”, aimed at accelerating digital change. The financial framework and staffing levels of this project must be stabilized in the short term.

In the short term, SRF 4.0 aims to eliminate positions in order to continue to guarantee a balanced budget from 2025, the company announced on Thursday. This measure is not linked to the planned supra-regional economies within the SSR.

The causes are rather to be found in the decline in commercial revenues and the increase in prices. “The partial elimination of compensation for inflation from next year and the reduction of the fee from 2027 will further reduce our financial framework,” declared director Nathalie Wappler, quoted in the press release. At the same time, German-speaking radio and television SRF must adapt to changing media use.

>> Read also: SRF announces savings measures and job cuts

Duplicates to remove

Savings are planned within the two audio/digital and video editors, with the aim of exploiting the synergies between these different areas. A slight reduction in management and support positions is planned.

Certain positions will also be crossed out throughout the company in order to eliminate duplication within the organization. Some formats will also be removed during off-peak times in summer, on weekends or outside prime time.

The distribution, sports and entertainment departments will also be affected by the job cuts. Finally, the offer for those under 35 will be modified. The SRF wants fewer formats, but better financed for the remaining ones.

Plan social

The number of layoffs can probably be reduced thanks to natural fluctuations and retirements, notes the SRF. A social plan will be implemented for the people concerned.

The announced job cuts remain subject to the results of the upcoming consultation procedure. A staff delegation from the Swiss mass media union (SSM) will lead the discussions in August.

The SSM expressed its concern and demanded an end to the savings measures at the SRF. Continuous restructuring and cuts to programs and jobs must be stopped, demands the union.



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