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An electricity bill of 94,000 euros forces this baker to close his business

The baker, David Pichot, was forced to close his seven stores in southern Alsace, including that of Blotzheim (Haut-Rhin). EDF, which cut off his power on June 7, is demanding an unpaid bill of 94,000 euros. To try to get by, the craftsman launched a call for donations via an online fundraiser.

The David bakery in Blotzheim (Haut-Rhin) will remain closed all day this Monday. Like the previous ten days. Customers have found the door closed here since June 7 and in front of the six other stores in neighboring towns (Bartenheim, Hégenheim, Saint-Louis, Huningue, Seppois-le-Bas, Hirsingue) that include the David Pichot brand.

In question : a power cut imposed by EDF which demands an electricity bill of more than 94 000 euros. The exorbitant amount, which the baker cannot pay, corresponds to a billing year of 2023 to 2024. “Before the increase we were at around 1 800 euros on average per month, we are now at 8 000 euros“, confides David Pichot to our team. Invoices which have accumulated, without the baker being able to pay them gradually and without explanation from the supplier, until reaching this sum beyond his reach.

An increase that is difficult to understand, occurring from one year to the next, and which further suffocates the artisan baker, victim of a complicated economic situation. “The problem comes from covid and the lack of activity it has caused. We lost 20% of turnover over two consecutive years from 2020 to 2022 and we had to wait another six months before recovery. We then experienced a geopolitical situation during which the price of raw materials skyrocketed. That of flour, butter and chocolate increased by 25%.“The icing on the cake is that work in front of several of its stores has hampered the smooth running of its business.

David Pichot goes through his accounts while EDF demands an unpaid amount of 94,000 euros from him.

© Louis Belin, France Télévisions

Today the activity is there but the liabilities still carry too much weight. In addition to the EDF bill, David Pichot must repay every month covid debt, a state-guaranteed loan of 100 000 euros. To reduce its costs, it obtained from its suppliers a reduction in the costs of raw materials but it is difficult to go further. “We cannot reduce the price of the products, the customer has a decreasing purchasing power and an energy price which is also increasing. We must remain competitive with the large stores which cause us a lot of harm.“Reducing his workforce is also out of the question, he wants to save his 25 jobs.”There are people who have worked with me for over 14 years, I count on them, they count on me. We are a united team but we have to get out of this quickly.

To get out of it and trying to find solutions with EDF, David Pichot met the senator from Haut-Rhin, Patricia Schillinger, and the president of the CCI Mulhouse, Gilbert Stimpflin. Based on the advice provided, an agreement was reached allowing him to initially reduce the bill to 30 000 euros, so as to be able to get the activity back on track quickly. To raise the sum, a condition for EDF to restore power, David Pichot launched a call for donations via an online fundraiser on leetchi. It made it possible to collect more than 6 000 euros to date. Still far from the mark but he didn’t hesitate to put his hand in his pocket by paying 8 000 euros.

David’s bakery should reopen soon.

© Louis Belin, France Télévisions

A more advantageous contract was also renegotiated allowing a catch-up installment to pay the rest of the bill, i.e. around 60 000 euros. “The new contract increased to an average of 2 100 euros per month, we are back to normal but we are surprised not to have been advised sooner“, rejoices and is surprised at the same time David Pichot.

Confident, the artisan baker hopes to reopen as soon as possible. “Business is good, customers have returned, we have all the tools to get there, we are motivated“. All that’s missing is the restoration of electricity, which should happen quickly.


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