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Signature of an agreement for the creation of a cybersecurity innovation center

Signature of an agreement for the creation of the Cybersecurity Innovation Center. Credit: Ministry of Digital Transition.

A Cybersecurity Innovation Center will soon be established. The agreement establishing the creation of this structure was signed on the sidelines of Gitex Africa Morocco. This is the result of a collaboration “ narrow » between the National Defense Administration, the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Ministry of the Economy and of Finance and the Mohammed V University of Rabat (UM5), we learn from a press release.

The establishment of this center aims to promote research, development and innovation in applied cybersecurity, by mobilizing academic, public and private actors and by directing research and innovation towards solutions meeting the priorities national and digital security needs.

The Cybersecurity Innovation Center, which reports to the General Directorate of Information Systems Security (DGSSI), will be located at the National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, adds the same Source .

The future structure intends to play a leading role in promoting entrepreneurship and the emergence of startups specializing in cybersecurity, thus strengthening the digital resilience of our country. This partnership reflects the common desire of all partners to meet the challenges of cybersecurity and participate in ensuring a secure and resilient national cyberspace.

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