DayFR Euro

Second offshore wind farm in service, Paris and Berlin want to retain European capital… The 5 images of the week

The second French offshore wind farm fully commissioned in Saint-Brieuc

The Spanish energy company Iberdrola announced the full commissioning of the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm (Côtes-d’Armor) on Tuesday May 28. The Briochin wind farm thus becomes the second large French offshore wind farm fully in service after that of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). With its 62 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 496 megawatts, the park should produce the equivalent of 9% of Brittany’s annual electricity consumption. The full commissioning of the Fécamp site should follow during the summer.

Faced with the appeal of the American IRA, Paris and Berlin want to retain French capital in Europe

Gathered near Berlin, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz defended in unison a European savings product. They advocate a “genuine union of capital markets”, “a harmonization of national liquidity regimes, common tax standards, and a strengthening of the supervision of capital markets”. The two states are awaiting proposals from the European Commission in the coming weeks. Objective: to reduce the draft caused by the American Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), while 300 billion euros per year of European capital would flee to the United States.

A Dutch Saint-Gobain center develops a turnkey concrete 3D printing process

Saint-Gobain, world leader in construction materials, plans to market a turnkey process for manufacturers, with machines, mortar, sensors, software and training. Objective: to promote 3D printing in concrete, developed from a skills center based in the Netherlands of the French company. Concrete precasters and construction companies will be targeted. The company has already printed seven bridges, a house and worked on 50 staircase projects.

At LNE, a platform for testing embedded AI

A new installation at the National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE) can simulate the behavior of robots working in factories. The tool allows AI algorithms to be “immersed” in realistic 3D environments in order to test their behavior and measure their performance, for example their reaction time to a specific event. Robot for the logistics or agricultural sector, rolling or flying drone, personal assistance robot… The evaluation services will be partly subsidized by Europe.

The Caddy trolley manufacturer placed in receivership

The commercial chamber of the Saverne judicial court (Bas-Rhin) has placed the Alsatian manufacturer of Caddy trolleys in receivership. The company was sued by Urssaf for non-payment. This is the company’s fourth receivership in twelve years. After its previous receivership procedure, at the beginning of 2022, the company’s activity restarted with a new project. This focused on the manufacture of trolleys for mass distribution, new store fittings activities and subcontracting.

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