Promotional catalogues accused of mainly promoting junk food

Promotional catalogues accused of mainly promoting junk food

Food products promoted in the advertising catalogues of major retail chains in France are often of poor nutritional quality, highlights a survey by the Consommation Logement Cadre de Vie association.

Between February and April 2024, the association Consommation Logement Cadre de Vie (CLCV) studied 42 promotional catalogues from five major brands: E. Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché, Système U and Lidl, the most visited in France. In total, 1,349 food promotions (excluding alcohol) were listed. Each product on promotion was evaluated, among other things, according to its Nutri-Score and its level of processing (NOVA indicator, which indicates whether the food is ultra-processed). The survey also included the analysis of 30 promotional newsletters received between January and April 2024.

Read alsoIn 2024, a new algorithm for Nutri-Score

Fresh fruits and vegetables represent only 3 to 5% of the products promoted

It shows that the majority of products on promotion are of low nutritional quality: 41% are classified Nutri-Score D or E, and 37% concern foods to be consumed in moderation (cold meats, confectionery, biscuits, etc.). Fresh fruits and vegetables represent only 3 to 5% of the products promoted, while they should be at the heart of our diet. And promotions of products usually considered healthy, such as dairy products, often favor sweetened versions, which are less balanced: of the 15% of promotions targeting dairy products, only 6% concern plain yogurts.

Read alsoAre all yogurts as healthy as the advertising claims?

In addition, 51% of “special breakfast” type promotional operations are focused on ultra-processed foods, such as biscuits, very sugary cereals and spreads, which should nevertheless be avoided on a daily basis. Advertisements for convivial meals are also often pretexts to promote “junk food”. For example, E. Leclerc’s “Vivement le match” operation highlights sodas, chips and sugary cereals.

Read alsoUltra-processed foods: under their “food matrix”,[…]



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