In the Fitoussi family, we ask for Grégory – seen very recently in the series Erica – and his big brother Mikaël (Alex Hugo). The two actors together added a new string to their bow by moving into directing. Grégory Fitoussi says more at Tele-Leisure.
Monday January 20, 2025, viewers were able to discover the finale of the new season 1 ofEricaseries filmed in the Landes, on TF1, with the (very complicit) actors Julie de Bona and Grégory Fitoussi. After beginnings in Under the sun and other roles on the small screen, the actor distinguished himself in the eyes of the general public in the series Gears between 2005 and 2014. In the Fitoussi family, Grégory is not the only actor since his big brother, Mikaël, followed the same career. The latter also made an appearance in Under the sun in his early days, and he played a role in Gears and in many other series before obtaining a recurring role in Alex Hugo.
Grégory Fitoussi (Erica) and Mikaël Fitoussi (Alex Hugo) went to realization
For the first time, Grégory and Mikaël Fitoussi launched into directing by filming their short film Bo Jacquowhich won a prize in Melbourne, Australia. “We had already played together two or three times. Being both actors and with our physical resemblance, we said to ourselves that it would be good to exploit that on film. We co-wrote this short film, co-directed and co-starred. It was a fantastic experience to direct, I had wanted to do it for a very long time. I hope to be able to reiterate“, Grégory Fitoussi explained to us. And added: “The idea is that we would like to make our short film into a feature film.“
-Grégory Fitoussi confides in his “very complementary relationship” with his brother Mikaël Fitoussi
How did the filming go between Grégory and Mikaël Fitoussi? “We had a very complementary relationship, we told a story that is quite intimate and common to us, and in which there is a good part of autobiography. It went very well, there was an emulation of ideas and creativity which was very nice“, Grégory Fitoussi told us. “In our film, we don’t play together because our characters are on two different timelines. I’m in the flashbacks and he’s in the present. When he was in the picture, I was the one directing, and vice versa“, he clarified. The two brothers are “very close” : “We give each other opinions and advice very regularly. But we also want everyone to have their own journey. We have very different lives.“