Savings accounts tend to earn less and less. During January, interest rates on an unweighted average stood at 0.35% for savings accounts denominated in francs, down compared to 0.5% at the end of 2024, Moneyland explained on Wednesday.
“This is not good news for savers,” says Benjamin Manz, director of Moneyland. “We can expect savings rates to fall even further this year,” he adds.
However, a few banks stand out from the crowd. Thus, the Caisse d’Epargne d’Aubonne still offers an interest rate of 1% on its “Savings account plus”, while the Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen still offers 0.9% on the “Sparkonto plus” at 12 month. The participation savings account offered by Bank WIR pays 0.75%.
Youth savings accounts in Swiss francs earn a little more and pay 0.71% interest on average.
Savings accounts in dollars and euros more advantageous
Interest on Swiss savings accounts in euros and US dollars is somewhat higher. Euro savings accounts yield an average of 0.7%, a maximum of 2.5% with the Kontomat euro savings account of the Glarus Cantonal Bank (GLKB).
-For their part, US dollar savings accounts yield an average of 1.25%, with a maximum of 1.75% for Swissquote’s Save Easy savings account.